The European Bioeconomy Network (EuBioNet) is a proactive alliance of 160 EU funded projects and initiatives dealing with Bioeconomy promotion, communication and support. The main goal is to maximise the efforts, increasing the knowledge sharing, networking, mutual learning, coordination of joint activities and events.What’s new? We are happy to announce that you will receive a bi-monthly newsletter with the upcoming events from the community. Please invite your colleagues to register to the newsletter to be updated on EuBioNet community events!




The European Bioeconomy Network works in close collaboration with the European Commission and CBE JU, to ensure that the objectives identified by the Bioeconomy Strategy update will be properly communicated, addressed and implemented.

The European Bioeconomy Network maximises the impact of the European Commission funded projects partecipating, creates opportunities and networks and significantly increases the awareness of bioeconomy in Europe, thanks to the joint efforts of the involved projects. The European Bioeconomy Network projects benefit from the mutual promotion of outcomes, new partnerships, joint event planning and knowledge sharing.


  • increase the awareness of sustainable circular bioeconomy in Europe
  • stimulate the debate, knowledge sharing and mutual learning to address bioeconomy related challenges and opportunity
  • identify impact-oriented strategies to boost the sustainable circular bioeconomy in Europe
  • facilitate networking among stakeholders
  • strength the role of the European Commission in supporting the sustainable circular bioeconomy uptake
  • maximise the impact of the EC funded projects, promoting joint initiatives


This website aims at aggregating the knowledge generated during the projects and facilitate the design and implementation of common activities.

The initiative was promoted by the Transition2Bio project. The projects participate on a voluntary base, without association fees.

Do you want to join? Tell us about your project to join the European Bioeconomy Network!