Achievements 2023

A number of activities took place in 2023 under the European Bioeconomy Network support, involving several EuBioNet members.

Do you want to share activities or collaborations that took place thanks to the support of the European Bioeconomy Network? Tell us more! We will report them in this page to inspire the other members.

7 December 2023 – Workshop on Bioeconomy Education at CBE JU Stakeholder Forum

Intense interactive discussions engaged participants from relevant EU funded projects and networks which shared their contributions to respond to the following questions:

• How can bioeconomy education respond to regional and industry needs and priorities?
• What are the future bioeconomy and bio-based economy job profiles and skills needed?
• How to inspire, inform and attract students and professionals towards careers related to the bioeconomy?
• How future projects and initiatives can bridge the gaps between skills needed and educational pathways?

These insightful inputs will contribute to the definition of policy recommendations that will be considered for future activities in the domain, targeting different levels and considering the regional specificities and needs. They also contributed to inform the recommendations delivered by CBE JU as outcomes of the Forum.

EuBioNet members involved: Allthings.bioPRO, BioBeo, Engage4Bio, Circular Bricks, EBU and EBU Label, ICA CoP Bio-Edu, BIOEAST initiative – including BioEast UniNet

20, 21, 22 October 2023 – Maker Faire 2023 in Rome

During Maker Faire 2023 in Rome, several EU-funded projects joint efforts together and reached more than 2000 kids, youngsters and adults, raising awareness through games, quizzes and hands-on labs about sustainability, bioeconomy and ocean and waters protection.

Another successful format implemented in the stand was the escape game “Escape4Future,” which was co-designed by the FVA New Media Research team with chemists from I.T.T. Montani in Fermo, as part of the GenB living lab.

EuBioNet members involved: BlueMissionMed, GenB, SUSTRACK, AGORA, BlueRev, RuralBioUp

4 October 2023 – Workshop: “Engaging the future: Stakeholder involvement in the EU Bioeconomy”

Collect best practices in stakeholder engagement. Sharing of good practices stemming from, GenB, Transition2Bio, Biobridges, BIOVOICES, EuBioNet.

EuBioNet members involved:, GenB, Transition2Bio, Biobridges, BIOVOICES

29, 30 September 2023 – European Researchers’ Night 2023 in Frascati, Rome

During European Researchers’ Night 2023 in Frascati, several EU-funded projects joint efforts together and reached more than 500 kids, youngsters and adults, raising awareness through games, quizzes and hands-on labs about sustainability, bioeconomy and ocean and waters protection.

A TEDx pitch was also organised and delivered by GenB Ambassadors, aged from 7 to 19.

EuBioNet members involved: BlueMissionMed, GenB, SUSTRACK, AGORA

18 July 2023 – and Engage4Bio met together for the first time!

Representatives of and Engage4Bio mutually introduced the approaches and main steps within the projects with the aim to look for collaborative actions.

EuBioNet members involved: and Engage4Bio

14 July 2023 – Collaboration meeting among RuralBioUp, BioGov.Net, BIObec, Transition2Bio and EuBioNet

Collaboration meeting among representatives of RuralBioUp, BioGov.Net, BIObec, Transition2Bio and EuBioNet to discuss how to better exploit material and tools produced by the projects to increase the capacities of regional stakeholders to promote rural bioeconomy.

EuBioNet members involved: RuralBioUp, BioGov.Net, BIObec, Transition2Bio

23 June 2023 – Workshop “Marine-friendly biopolymers: characteristics and challenges”

Glaukos project and Bio-Plastics Europe, together with European Bioplastics Research Network (EBRN) and the European Bioeconomy Network (EuBioNet), co-organized the workshop “Marine-friendly biopolymers: characteristics and challenges“,  focusing on the characteristics that marine-friendly biopolymers should have to become a potential solution to prevent and eliminate pollution in the oceans and waters, responding to EU Mission Ocean’s objectives. Researchers and stakeholders were involved in a round table to discuss what are the characteristics and challenges that should be addressed for the definition of marine-friendly biopolymers.

EuBioNet members involved: Glaukos, Bio-Plastics Europe

9 June 2023 – SUSTRACK focus group on ““Limits, barriers and solutions to boost the transition towards a circular biobased economy”

The workshop, organised by SUSTRACK project in the context of EU Green week, resulted in a fruitful and intense discussion and co-creation with more than 30 expert stakeholders, deepening and prioritizing cultural, governance, technical, economic, structural and environmental barriers of sustainable transition towards a circular bio-based economy in textile, construction, chemical and plastics sectors.



20 April 2023 – SUSTRACK-BIOTRANSFORM Projects Thematic Discussion Meeting

This Thematic Discussion Meeting was organized by SUSTRACK. In this event, Permanent Liaison Round Table (PLRT) members and key partners from SUSTRACK and BIOTRANSFORM met together with the final aim of discussing common topics of interest and specific activities targeting similar stakeholders, based on projects’ work plan. Specifically, projects discussed the results of the research performed on limits/gaps of linear fossil-based economy.

EuBioNet members involved: SUSTRACK, BIOTRANSFORM

10 March 2023 – “Circular Bricks first knowledge-sharing webinar on bioeconomy education”

Chiara Pocaterra (APRE – Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea) and Susanna Albertini (FVA New Media Research) delivered two speeches in the context of Circular Bricks first knowledge-sharing webinar on bioeconomy education: “The Transition2BIO toolkit for teachers, multipliers and students. The Transition2BIO heritage in GenB to inspire and educate the young generations” and “From BioWHAT to BioHOW to BioACT: good practices for EU funded projects in bioeconomy awareness and education”.

EuBioNet members involved: Transition2BIO, GenB, BIOBec


9 March 2023 – Meeting on stakeholder management for market acceptance of biobased materials

The meeting is a biannual event in an eight-year regional programme “Living Ecosystem” which intends to develop research agenda’s, research methods and research impact on this topic.  During the event, EuBioNet, GenB, and Transition2BIO projects’ good practices and exploitable assets were presented to UAS researchers (many disciplines, e.g. design) and Dutch consortium partners – being stakeholders outside UAS such as provinces and companies – as inspiring examples of creating awareness and impacting target groups through communication.

EuBioNet members involved: GenB,, Transition2BIO

9 March 2023 – “SUSTRACK-BIOTRANSFORM Cooperation Launching Event”

SUSTRACK project organized a “Cooperation Launching Event”, in which EC representatives and key partners from SUSTRACK and BIOTRANSFORM projects met together with the final aims of identifying similarities and differences and possible synergies among projects, setting up a roadmap for cooperation and operationalizing the collaboration among the two sister projects.

EuBioNet members involved: SUSTRACK, BIOTRANSFORM

1 March 2023 – Meeting with a representatives of Campus des métiers et des qualifications (BioEco Academy Grand Est)

FVA organized an individual meeting with Gisell Burgos, Campus des métiers et des qualifications (BioEco Academy Grand Est), to exchange knowledge and mutually learn by presenting replicable formats from Transition2BIO, GenB,, BIOVOICES, Engage4BIO projects.

EuBioNet members involved: Transition2BIO, GenB,, BIOVOICES, Engage4BIO

21 February 2023 – GenB “Common Ground Camp”

Exploitable assets of Transition2BIO,, BIObec and EuBioNet were presented at the Common Ground Camp organized by GenB project.

More details available here.

EuBioNet members involved: Transition2BIO,, BIOBec, GenB

17 February 2023 – “EU Missions Annual Forum. Restore our ocean & waters.”

EuBioNet was presented through informal meetings to the stakeholders attending the “EU Missions Annual Forum Restore our ocean & waters”.

EuBioNet members involved: Glaukos, GenB, Transition2BIO, BlueMissionMed

16 February 2023 – Meeting with Bioeconomy Youth Ambassadors

GenB and BioBeo projects and activities were presented to Bioeconomy Youth Ambassadors (BYA) in Bruxelles, with the aim of establishing future collaborations for bioeconomy education. and Engage4BIO were also informally presented to BYA.

Outcomes of the workshop available HERE.

EuBioNet members involved: GenB,, BioBeo, Engage4BIO



15 February 2023 – Circular Bio-Based Europe Joint Undertaking and EuBioNet meeting

A meeting among Circular Bio-Based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE-JU) and EuBioNet representatives took place in Bruxelles, with the final aim of discussing about future collaborations and joint events organization in bioeconomy education.

EuBioNet members involved: GenB,, BIObec, Glaukos

14 February 2023 – “1st SUSTRACK Mobilization and Mutual Learning Workshop”

The first Mobilisation and Mutual Learning workshop of the EuBioNet working group in “Standardisation, certification, labelling and monitoring” took place as a fruitful meeting organised under SUSTRACK project. The event engaged 12 EU funded projects and 40 active participants in a discussion to facilitate networking, collaboration, share methodologies, lessons and plan future activities in order to maximise the joint efforts.

More details available here.


24 January 2023 – “ECOSYSTEX” meeting

SUSTRACK and Glaukos projects were presented during this exploratory meeting, facilitating the collaboration with ECOSYSTEX–European Community of Practice for a Sustainable Textile Ecosystem, which has been formally launched in early 2023. ECOSYSTEX mission is to accelerate collaboration in the textile sustainability and circularity field. Thanks to this exploratory meeting, SUSTRACK and Glaukos are now officially part of the 17 EU-funded member projects focusing on textile sustainability.

EuBioNet members involved: SUSTRACK, Glaukos

23 January 2023 – “Design Award Week” at ISIA

In the context of the “Design Award Week” at ISIA, good practices and examples from Transition2Bio, and GenB were shared with participants, in order to help them design creative contents for BlueMissionMed raising-awareness activities.

EuBioNet members involved: Transition2Bio,, GenB, BlueMissionMed

10 January 2023 – “Allthings.bioPRO’s 3rd Advisory & Valorisation Board Meeting”

As part of Allthings.bioPRO Advisory board, GenB and Transition2BIO were represented during the meeting, which objective was to test the game “Mission BioHero”.

EuBioNet members involved:Allthings.bioPRO, GenB, Transition2BIO

Do you want to share activities or collaborations that took place thanks to the support of the European Bioeconomy Network?

Tell us more! We will report them in this page to inspire the other members.