POWER4BIO webinar series: Food and Feed – Introduction to biomass valorisation for food and feed in the global picture

Training Webinar 1: Introduction to biomass valorisation for food and feed in the global picture
Wednesday, October 28; 9:00 – 9:45 am CET

POWER4BIO is organising a training webinar series about food and feed. In a set of eight thematic training webinars, experts from the POWER4BIO consortium will give insights about the current status of food and feed at EU level, innovative practices and keys for successful business cases, value chains, sustainability, funding opportunities and supporting policies. All webinars are free of charge and open to everyone.

This first webinar session will introduce the context, drivers and characteristics of (circular) valorisation of biomass (side-) streams for food and feed. We will present an overview of drivers, opportunities as well as drawbacks and threats from an agro-food-biomass perspective and related to the current EU policy agenda.

Presenter: Jan Broeze (Wageningen Food & Biobased Research)

You can register for the training webinar on food and feed using this link. For more information, please visit our news entry about the webinar series.

If any questions remain, please feel free to contact Mr. Martien van den Oever: martien.vandenoever@wur.nl

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