Achievements 2019

A number of activities took place in 2019 under the European Bioeconomy Network support, involving several EuBioNet members:

3 December 2019 – BBI JU Stakeholder Forum CSAs workshop

In the context of the BBI JU Stakeholder Forum 2019, LIFT project organized, in close collaboration with BBI JU, a Mobilisation and Mutual Learning Workshop among the CSA projects, as well as selected non-CSA projects funded under different programmes, promoting the creation of an innovation ecosystem for the bioeconomy.

38 CSAs presented the lessons learnt from their projects and discussed the challenges still to be addressed for bioeconomy uptake in 4 facilitated sessions, involving more that 350 participants.

The workshop was supported by the European Bioeconomy Network, BIOVOICES and Biobridges projects

EuBioNet members involved: AlpBioEco, BE RURAL, BERST, BIO4ECO, BioBase4SME, Biobridges, BioCannDo, BioLinX, BIOMONITOR, BIOPEN, BioReg, BIOREGIO, BioStep, BIOVOICES, BIOWAYS, BISO, BLOOM, CommBeBiz, Enabling,  Green Growth, Grenzeloos Biobased Onderwijs – GBO, ICT-BioChain, InnProBio, KETBIO, LIFT, Pilots4U, POWER4BIO, ProBIO, RoadToBio, RUBIZMO,  STAR4BBI, STAR-ProBio, SUPERBIO, RDI2CLUB, Biobord

31 October 2019 – European MML: Shaping the bio-based economy involving citizens through a participatory approach

The workshop was promoted by the European Bioeconomy Network and was the satellite event of the “European Workshop on Bioeconomy”, hosted by the French Ministry of Agriculture and Food and organised by the BIOVOICES project.


28 October 2019SCAR Bioeconomy Strategic Working Group (BSW)

The BSW discussed how renewable bio-resources can be sustainably produced for the Bioeconomy; Presentation of the European Bioeconomy Network and its role in raising awareness and communication activities to member states”.


18-20 October 2019 – BIOECONOMY Village at Maker Faire Rome 2019

The BIOECONOMY Village is an event format already successfully tested in the context of the Maker Faire Rome 2017, 2018  and 2019 fair.

Through the display of products, examples, thematic workshops and practical demonstrations, visitors are shown, in a clear and engaging way, how the bioeconomy is increasingly part of our daily life and how consumers’ conscious choices can have a positive impact on the environment, society and the economy.

EuBioNet members involved: BIOVOICES, Biobridges, STAR Pro-Bio, LIFT

17 October 2019 – BIOVOICES national workshop at Forum Buy Green Compraverde: The bioeconomy in Italy: incentives, laws, norms

The day aimed to be a moment of sharing knowledge about the experiences, the regulations and the existing laws at national and European level, and the necessities to push the development of the bioeconomy at national level.

EuBioNet members involved: BIOVOICES, STAR Pro-Bio

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16 October 2019 – Committee of the Region Bioeconomy conference on Regions, Cities and CivilSociety

Presentation of the European Bioeconomy Network. Speech on the importance of raising awareness at local and regional level: the role of the European Bioeconomy Network”.

15 October 2019 – Workshop on Bioeconomy Education organized by the DG R&I European Commission.

Presentation of the European Bioeconomy Network and its role on “Supporting Regions in the design of innovative bioeconomy educational paths: The contribution of the European Bioeconomy Network”.

4 October 2019 – Biobridges workshop at IFIB 2019 – New bioeconomy value chains from local resources: challenges and opportunities

In the context of  IFIB 2019, Biobridges project organized a co-creation workshop to ease the dialogue among actors along the value chain (industry, policy makers, consumers, researchers, investors, feedstock providers, etc.) and to highlight challenges and opportunities for the valorisation of local resources in the bioeconomy framework.

EuBioNet members involved: BIOVOICES, Biobridges, BIOPEN, Biobarr, Power4Bio, Agrimax

27-28 September 2019 – The BIOECONOMY Village at the European Researchers’ Night 2019

On 27 and 28 September 2019, the Italian edition in Frascati of the European Researchers’ Night hosted the BIOECONOMY Village, promoted by the BIOVOICES, STAR-ProBio, Biobridges and LIFT projects funded by the European Commission.

EuBioNet members involved: BIOVOICES, Biobridges, LIFT, BIOWAYS, STAR-ProBio

25-26 September 2019 – Science is Wonderful! 2019

Science is Wonderful! is a free exhibition which brings the world of science to the public. BIOVOICES, Biobridges, BIOWAYS and LIFT projects representatives shared, at their stands, presentations, activities and games.

EuBioNet members involved: BIOVOICES, Biobridges, LIFT, BIOWAYS

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26 September 2019 – Maker Faire Academy – The economy of the sea: valorisation of marine resources.

In the context of the Mini Maker Faire, BIOVOICES in collaboration with Biobridges and MISTRAL projects organized a regional MML workshop entitled “The economy of the sea: valorisation of marine resources. Balance between environmental protection and economic and social development needs.”

EuBioNet members involved: BIOVOICES, Biobridges

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8 July 2019 – The role of communication and education in promoting circular and sustainable bioeconomy at local, regional and national level

The workshop, a satellite event of the Bioeconomy Conference “European Bioeconomy Scene 2019”, was  organized by the European Bioeconomy Network and the BIOVOICESBioCannDoBiobridges and LIFT projects, will bring together EU funded projects, European Platforms and Networks, Member states networks, together with quadruple helix stakeholders dealing with communication and awareness raising, to support the European Bioeconomy Strategy through communication activities.

EuBioNet members involved: BIOVOICES, Biobridges, LIFT, BIOCannDo

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24 May 2019 – INTERNATIONAL MML: The alliance between primary production and bio-based industries. A macro regional approach

The workshop aims to identify opportunities offered by the Bioeconomy, with a particular emphasis on its bio-based component, for the interregional development of Italy, Slovenia and Croatia.

EuBioNet members involved: BIOVOICES, Biobridges, Power4Bio

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20 May 2019Startupper School Academy Awards Cerimony

The H2020 projects BIOVOICESBiobriges, LIFT and European Bioeconomy Network in collaboration with Novamont awarded the best Bioeconomy business idea from high school students. The prize aimed to sensitize students towards more sustainable economic model that uses renewable resources.

EuBioNet members involved: BIOVOICES, Biobridges, LIFT



9 April 2019 – Bioeconomy as an opportunity to boost local development based on territorial resources

BIOVOICES project organises Mobilisation and Mutual Learning activities (MMLs), involving the stakeholder of the Quadruple Helix, to address the most relevant challenges to boost bioeconomy and the Bio-based market uptake.

EuBioNet members involved: BIOVOICES, Biobridges, BIOPEN

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19 March 2019 – “Bioeconomy as an opportunity for regional development based on territorial resources in APULIA” was the first BIOVOICES Regional Mobilisation and Mutual Learning (MML) Workshop in Italy.

EuBioNet members involved: BIOVOICES, Biobridges, Power4Bio

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2019 – Startupper School Academy Program – Special Bioeconomy Prize

Also this year BIOVOICES project, Novamont and the European Bioeconomy Network have decided to support the Startupper School Academy Program, offering the special “Bioeconomy” prize, which aims to raise awareness of students for a more sustainable economic model that uses renewable resources as an alternative to the fossil ones.

EuBioNet members involved: BIOVOICES, Biobridges

Do you want to share activities or collaborations that took place thanks to the support of the European Bioeconomy Network?

Tell us more! We will report them in this page to inspire the other members.