Author: Clémentine Roth

Workshop “BioFUTURE – Knowledge sharing for unlocking the potential of bioeconomy in Europe from the regional policy perspective”

Workshop “BioFUTURE – Knowledge sharing for unlocking the potential of bioeconomy in Europe from the regional policy perspective”

We are pleased to invite you to the “BioFUTURE – Knowledge sharing for unlocking the potential of bioeconomy in Europe from the regional policy perspective” workshop, organized by the following EU projects – BIOMODEL4REGIONS, BIOTRANSFORM, ROBIN and ShapingBIO – which will take place online on 19 February 2025, from 09:30 to 12:45 CET.

The event aims to present the results obtained by the projects in relation to aspects of regional policy advocacy to promote the bioeconomy, with a dedicated and practical focus on four top priority themes as obtained by the projects in their implementation:

  • Governance and Policy Alignment
  • Social and Regional Challenges and Public Awareness
  • Cross-Sectoral Collaboration and Stakeholder Engagement
  • Environmental Impact and Resource Efficiency

These topics will be addressed following a presentation of the EU policy landscape and insights regarding the update of the Bioeconomy Strategy in process from the European Commission offered by representatives of the DG RTD.

The workshop will allow regional authorities to engage with peers from other regions to share insights and experiences on bioeconomy governance as well as learn from successful examples and approaches implemented in other regions.

You can look at the detailed agenda here: Agenda BioFUTURE Workshop.

Registration: to confirm your participation, kindly register using the following link. 

Contact Information:

We look forward to your participation and to an engaging and productive workshop.

Best regards

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Austausch über die Entwicklung von Bioökonomie-Strategien und deren Monitoring in urbanen und ländlichen Räumen

Austausch über die Entwicklung von Bioökonomie-Strategien und deren Monitoring in urbanen und ländlichen Räumen

Am Donnerstag, 06. Februar 2025, organisiert das Steinbeis Europa Zentrum im Rahmen des ROBIN Projekt einen Workshop rund um das Thema „Entwicklung von Bioökonomie-Strategien und deren Monitoring in urbanen und ländlichen Räumen”.

Mit dieser Veranstaltung wollen wir Repräsentanten unterschiedlicher Länder, Regionen und Städte in urbanen und ländlichen Räumen zusammenbringen und über die Entwicklung und Implementierung von Bioökonomie-Strategien diskutieren. Wir möchten Sie herzlich einladen, Ihre Erfahrung auszutauschen und Expertise beizutragen. Während des Workshops werden wir u.a. ein Tool verwenden (Policy Monitoring System), welches im Rahmen des ROBIN-Projekts entwickelt wurde.

Der Austausch wird in drei Themenblöcke strukturiert:

  1. Tools und Methodik
  2. Entwicklung von Strategien
  3. Implementierung und Monitoring von Strategien

Das EU-Projekt ROBIN dient dazu regionale Behörden bei der Gestaltung ihrer Governance-Strukturen und -Modelle zu unterstützen, sodass sie ihre Ziele zur erfolgreichen Etablierung einer Kreislaufwirtschaft im Bereich Bioökonomie schneller erreichen und gleichzeitig soziale Innovationen fördern und unterschiedlichen territorialen Gegebenheiten Rechnung tragen können. Zu diesem Zweck ermitteln und demonstrieren wir (das ROBIN Konsortium) das Potenzial innovativer Governance-Strukturen und -Modelle für die Kreislaufwirtschaft in fünf europäischen Regionen: Irland, Deutschland, Spanien, der Slowakei und Griechenland.

Der Workshop wird in Stuttgart in den Räumlichkeiten des Steinbeis Europa Zentrums stattfinden. Die detaillierte Agenda und den Anmeldungslink finden Sie hier.  Die Anmeldefrist für die Teilnahme an unserem Workshop ist am 29. Januar 2025.

Wir freuen uns sehr auf Ihre Teilnahme!

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Open call for participation: Beta Testing of the ROBIN toolbox! Deadline 2 December

Open call for participation: Beta Testing of the ROBIN toolbox! Deadline 2 December

The ROBIN consortium invites regional and local authorities across the European Union to participate in the beta testing of the ROBIN Toolbox. Selected authorities will have the opportunity to be among the first to use innovative tools and methodologies that can enhance policy implementation regarding bioeconomy 

Benefits of Participation 

  • Gain early access to tools that can enhance bioeconomy policy implementation, 
  • Network and collaborate with peers across the EU and share best practices, 
  • Influence the development of the ROBIN tools to fit better your needs and requirements, 
  • Receive recognition on the project website and dissemination activities (e.g., social media posts on LinkedIn) 

Also, a Certificate of Participation will be provided to all participants. 

Participation Modalities 

The testing is organised as an online workshop of a maximum of 2 hours. The online workshop will take place twice, once on December 12th 2024 and then on January 16th 2025. You may choose any date that fits your schedule better. During the online workshop, we will present you with the Toolbox, and then you will be invited to use it and provide us with feedback to improve it. The agenda of the workshop is available here: We will also try to match you with a physical event near your region if possible. 

Eligibility Criteria 

  1. regional or local authority within an EU Member State or an associated country. 
  2. interested or/and active in bioeconomy or circular economy development as a policy priority. 
  3. represented by a person involved in the design and/or implementation of related policies. 


  • Application Deadline2nd of December 2024 
  • Online Beta Testing workshop12th of December 2024 (and 16th of January 2025) 

For more details about the ROBIN project and the Toolbox, please visit our website here:  

For more information on the beta testing and the open call, inquiries or further assistance, please contact us at  

Apply here:

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Towards 2030: Developing a Circular Bioeconomy Governance Model for our Communities, Cities and Regions

Towards 2030: Developing a Circular Bioeconomy Governance Model for our Communities, Cities and Regions

The Southern Regional Assembly and Munster technological University (MTU) will host a BETA Testing Validation Workshop with regional and local authorities and bioeconomy stakeholders in furtherance of ROBIN project objectives.

This event will build upon the outcomes of previous alpha validation testing workshops of specific governance tools developed by the Project, and will cater to a broader spectrum of stakeholders from across the country.

This event is being organised jointly by SRA and MTU on October 15th in Waterford, Ireland for Bioeconomy Ireland Week 2024. The format will consist of presentations and break out workshops.

For more information:

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Bioeconomy Career Info Day event

Bioeconomy Career Info Day event

Q-PLAN INTERNATIONAL organises a “Careers and opportunities in the Bioeconomy” event, within the framework of the Bioeconomy Changemakers Festival 2024 of the European Commission in cooperation with the GenB projects (BIOVOICES), and ROBIN project!

The event will take place at OK!Thess on Thursday 14 March from 10.00 to 14.30 Greek time.

A parallel regional policy workshop (in the context of ) will be held to identify current gaps in bioeconomy governance and design feedback loops for better strategy in bioeconomy skills development.

The event and the workshop will be realised in Greek. You can find more information about the event here.

Link for registration: here (available only in Greek).

The organization is supported by the Region of Central Macedonia and the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH).

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You(th) in and for bioregions

You(th) in and for bioregions

Join our Slovak partners for an exciting one-day event dedicated to empowering youth and driving transformative change in European regions!

The goal is to inspireeducate, and catalyze action among young individuals, fostering a future of sustainability and innovation within the bioeconomy sector.

Organised by a dynamic partnership of key players in the bioeconomy sector in Slovakia, this event falls under the GenB and projects, in collaboration with national representatives from the BIOEAST initiativeBOOST4BIOEAST project, and other EU-funded initiatives.

Who should attend? We invite youth aged 15 to 35, including early career scientistsyoung entrepreneurs, and startup companies. Recognizing that attracting young talent to bioeconomy careers begins early, we extend our outreach to children aged 4 to 14.

Find out more information about the Slovakian hub and the event here.

This event will be organized as a satellite event of the Bioeconomy Changemakers Festival in Nitra, Slovakia. The target audience is youth and all activities will be focused on the inspiration and motivation of young people and present the opportunities for youth in bioeconomy.

The ROBIN project will have a booth there.

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