Author: Selenia Marinelli

Event “Youth for a greener clothing and fashion industry”

Event “Youth for a greener clothing and fashion industry”

The event “Youth for a greener clothing and fashion industry” will take place online on the 18 of May from 15.00-17.30 CEST.

It has been selected by the European Commission among the 36 flagship initiatives of the #TheGreenTrack campaign, which intends to give visibility to young people engaged in activities in favor of the environment ahead of the United Nations’ Biodiversity Conference “COP15”.

The event, organised by the EU-funded ‘ENI CBC Med’ Programme, aims to highlight experiences and practical examples put in place by young fashion designers/creators/entrepreneurs from both shores of the Mediterranean to reduce the environmental impact of the textile production and extend the life cycle of clothes. We will also host a representative of the fashion brand ‘Salvatore Ferragamo’ and of the European Commission which will present the new EU strategy on sustainable textile products.

The announcement of the event, agenda and the registration link, are available on the Programme website at the following link:

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Free course on “Financial Innovation in Agri-Food Systems”

Free course on “Financial Innovation in Agri-Food Systems”

The free course on “Financial Innovation in Agri-Food Systems” will take place on May 9, 10, and 11 at 2.00 – 3.30 PM CEST, as part of the AgTech7 Live Trainings.

In this course, the expert speaker, Pedro de Alava, will give you the tools to make the best of your financing rounds, tell you how to prepare to get financed (from paperwork to pitching to researching your potential investors) and offer you real-life examples of financial cases in the agritech sector. Join the course and bridge the gap between your expertise in AgriTech and the knowledge in financing. The event is led by Pedro de Alava, Fund Manager at Tech Transfer UPV and Tech Transfer Agri-Food.

You can register at this link.

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Webinar “What are its potential implications for product development and corporate strategy?”

Webinar “What are its potential implications for product development and corporate strategy?”

The European Commission is enabling the shift to the circular economy and making sustainable products the norm with a new package of European Green Deal proposals, as part of the Circular Economy Action Plan.

The proposal for a Regulation on Ecodesign for Sustainable Products (ESPR) addresses product design by setting new requirements to make almost all products on the EU market more circular, energy efficient, and reduce their environmental and climate footprint.

The webinar “What are its potential implications for product development and corporate strategy?” will take place on 16 May 2022 from 14.30 to 15.30 CET.

What you can expect:

In this webinar we will explore the potential implications for product development and corporate strategy as a result of this proposed regulation.

The webinar will begin with an introduction to the policy area and it’s expected development trajectory presented by Jean-Pierre Schweitzer, Senior Policy Officer for Circular Economy and Product Policy at European Environmental Bureau. Following which, there will be a moderated panel discussion on the potential implications of the proposed regulation according to the following questions:

  • How do you think this policy could impact company strategy and business models?
  • How do you think this policy could impact the way products are being developed?
  • How do you think companies should prepare?


The panel will feature the following speakers:

  • Thijs Maartens, Sustainability and Circular Economy Lead at Philips
  • Mette Bak-Andersen, Designer, Researcher and Sustainability Advisor. Author of the book Reintroducing Materials for Sustainable Design
  • Jean-Pierre Schweitzer, Senior Policy Officer for Circular Economy and Product Policy at European Environmental Bureau
  • Moderator: Michelle Gordon, Nordic Sustainability

How to join

The webinar will be conducted via Zoom. The link will be sent out to participants prior to the event.
Please note that the webinar will be recorded.

Register here.

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Workshop “Transforming local bio-based waste streams into circular textile and building materials”

Workshop “Transforming local bio-based waste streams into circular textile and building materials”

The workshop “Transforming local bio-based waste streams into circular textile and building materials” will take place on Thursday 5th May from 10.00 to 12.00 and will be hosted by the Bioeconomy Cluster Builder and Dr Miriam Ribul, the Materials Circularity research strand lead of the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Interdisciplinary Textiles Circularity Centre, it will bring together inspiring speakers and include focused breakout spaces to facilitate connection and discussion.

It has been estimated that conventional textile production is responsible for around 10% of global carbon emissions (UNECE, 2018). Existing manufacturing practices have substantial environmental impacts including water use and resource depletion. Additionally, 85% of all textiles are disposed of each year. A circular approach, underpinned by biotechnology, offers significant opportunities to improve environmental performance and create value from waste.

This event will feature a range of inspiring speakers sharing their perspectives on novel approaches to the development of textiles and other materials from waste bioresources, including;

  • Dr Miriam Ribul, Materials Circularity Research Lead – Royal College of Art/TCC
  • Dr Alexandra Lanot, Senior Research Associate – University of York/TCC
  • Cooking Sections, CLIMAVORE project exploring food systems transformation
  • Dr Dawn Ellams, Future Fashion Factory

To encourage dialogue and cross sector collaboration, presentations will be followed by complementary breakout spaces bringing together a diverse mix of stakeholders from the creative and scientific communities.

You can register HERE.

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Call for Submissions – Innovation and Growth in the Bioeconomy

Call for Submissions – Innovation and Growth in the Bioeconomy

Open Research Europe is looking for submissions to the new collection Innovation and Growth in the Bioeconomy. Successful submissions will be published Diamond Open Access at no cost to the author.


In 2012 the European Commission created its first bioeconomy strategy “Innovating for sustainable growth – A bioeconomy for Europe”. Research shows that in 2017, the bioeconomy in Europe generated 4.7% of the gross domestic product (GDP) of the EU-27 and employed 8.9% of the labour force. However, a decade on from the initial strategy, growth and jobs are unevenly distributed across the Member States.

A successful bioeconomy is expected to generate environmental, social and economic benefits, such as:

  • Reducing the carbon footprint of products
  • Increasing resilience to climate change shocks
  • Improving efficiency and reducing waste in industry and agriculture
  • Creating healthy ecosystems
  • Reducing land degradation
  • Contributing to plastic-free seas and oceans
  • Creating jobs in rural and coastal areas
  • Knowledge-sharing of value chains that can be used by SMEs
  • Improving competition in markets

Research in this collection demonstrates how investment and innovation in the bioeconomy can help different sectors, such as agriculture, aquaculture, fisheries, food, and forestry, to translate research into viable products and services. It studies connections between researchers, industry representatives, and regional policy makers and stakeholders, and analyses how these connections can develop business models, new value chains, and investment opportunities to sustain growth and productivity in the bioeconomy.

Guest Advisors

Dr Calliope Panoutsou, Imperial College London (UK)

Professor Justus Wesseler, Wageningen University and Research (Netherlands) How to submit

Please register your interest in submitting to the collection by 31st May 2022 by emailing

Submissions to Open Research Europe must have at least one author who is involved in an ongoing or finished Horizon 2020 or Horizon Europe project and articles must be a result of that project. Please review the details of Open Research Europe’ post-publication peer-review model and our policies before you submit. We offer a variety of different article types and encourage submissions that are interdisciplinary. Submissions must be in English.


For any questions about submission or the platform please contact Ruth Fisher at

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Second participatory workshop of the EU Study on Promoting Education, training and skills across the EU bioeconomy

Second participatory workshop of the EU Study on Promoting Education, training and skills across the EU bioeconomy

Next April 26th from 9.30 to 16.30 CET, Deloitte, empirica and Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini (FGB) will organise an online participatory workshop together with the European Commission’s DG Research & Innovation (DG RTD), as part of its study on “Promoting education, training and skills across the bioeconomy”. 

Workshop objectives
The workshop aims to gather a wide-range of stakeholders in the field of bioeconomy education training and skills (education institutions, private and public sector, academics and scientists) in order to discuss:

  • the preliminary analysis and key findings of the study
  • the development of recommendations and model bioeconomy modules/curricula at higher education, VET and entrepreneurship levels, to educate and train a workforce to be equipped with the skills required in an evolving, circular and sustainable bioeconomy.

Moderated by Joanna Inglis-Dupont, this highly interactive one-day online workshop will welcome renowned speakers in the field of bioeconomy education and skills.
Participants will also have multiple occasions to exchange with the study team and to meet with peers.

Registration opened!
Click here for more information and to register.
The registration will be open until 14 April at 23:59 CET, but the spots are limited.

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Online Workshop: Risk reduction of chemical residues in soils due to wastewater reuse

Online Workshop: Risk reduction of chemical residues in soils due to wastewater reuse

The workshop “Risk reduction of chemical residues in soils due to wastewater reuse” organized by Consorzio Italbiotec will focus on the scientific and technological aspects of risk reduction strategies associated with irrigation with treated wastewater and sewage sludge fertilisation by providing insights on the use of biochar as a valuable soil amendment. The event will take place online next April 26, 2022, at 09:30.

Reclaimed wastewater for agricultural purposes represents a solution for tackling the increasing demand for food and climate change challenges. Reutilizing wastewater includes water conservation and an alternative source of organic matter and nutrients for the agro-environment.
Funded by the PRIMA programme, the RESIDUE project is committed to improving the safety of agricultural products grown under the influence of waste materials used for irrigation and fertilisation by developing an innovative technology that significantly reduces the risks of transferring organic contaminants into the agricultural products.

Registration at this link.


9.30 Welcome and Opening

The RESIDUE project: reclaimed wastewater use in agriculture.
Dr Dieter Hennecke – Fraunhofer IME, Schmallenberg

From wastewater treatment plants to our plate – The whole picture of exposure to wastewater-derived pharmaceuticals through food.
Dr Yehoshua Maor- Phytor Lab Jerusalem

Bioavailability of organic chemicals in soils: potential regulatory aspects.
Dr Jose Julio Ortega-Calvo- IRNAS-CSIC, Seville

Biochar and its use as an amendment in the composting process.
Dr Dmitri Drabkin, René Schatten – WG Geoecology, FU Berlin

11.00 Q&A Session

11:30 Conclusion

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UPLIFT, upPE-T and PRESERVE to hold a joint online workshop on “Standardisation in plastics and circular economy”

UPLIFT, upPE-T and PRESERVE to hold a joint online workshop on “Standardisation in plastics and circular economy”

UPLIFT, upPE-T and PRESERVE to hold a joint online workshop on Standardisation in Plastics and Circular Economy

  • The session will count on the participation of three EU-funded initiatives working on bio-based packaging: UPLIFT, upPE-T, and PRESERVE.
  • These projects are all working to upcycle food and drinks packaging through different technologies such as biological depolymerisation, enzymatic technologies and enzymes compounding.

The three European projects working in the framework of standardization will organize an online workshop to be held on 27th April 2022 from 10:00 – 13:00 (CET). The aim of this event is to build a high-level meeting point for stakeholders across Europe to show how standardisation can support valorising research and innovation (R&I) results.

The workshop will be divided into three parts: during the first one, the workshop will count on different short talks from a representative of the Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) among others to frame the standardization in Europe and how European R&I projects can use standardisation as a successful conduit to valorise their results.

The second part will present the CEN-CENELEC Workshop Agreements (CWAs) as well as the challenges of standardization in circular economy, whilst an open discussion will be conducted in the final session regarding the importance of standardization in circular economy.

Registrations are open here.

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LANDSUPPORT final workshop “Save Our Soils”

LANDSUPPORT final workshop “Save Our Soils”

In the context of the project final conference, LANDSUPPORT is organising the “SAVE OUR SOILS” Workshop (in person) next Wednesday, 27 – Thursday, 28 April 2022, at the University of Naples in Portici, near Naples, Italy.

The project will open up to researchers and stakeholders to share and discuss results towards a very ambitious goal: the development of decision support tools – as well as other projects’ and initiatives’ insights – for key agriculture and environmental policies implementation including SDGs, CAP, New Green Deal.

This workshop will be a unique opportunity to bring together current research on this topic and policy makers and it will include project contributions to: tools for policy implementation in agriculture, land degradation and land take, and ecotourism and biodiversity. This will include the findings from the Horizon2020 LANDSUPPORT project as well as other International, European and national projects (e.g. Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe, EJP-soil, LIFE+). It will be enriched by speakers’ insights on these topics and roundtables to discuss common challenges and possible solutions towards SDG policy implementation.

If you wish to participate, please fill in the registration form by Monday, 24 January 2022, to secure your participation.

Agenda and instructions
Register for the event

In case of any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to reach out to the project management team at Modis via:

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Webinar on mobilizing grants for bio-based innovations in the central and eastern European countries

Webinar on mobilizing grants for bio-based innovations in the central and eastern European countries

Following the pathway of our previous successful webinar on 15 November 2021, the BIOEAST Initiative and the BIOEASTsUP project organize a webinar on “Mobilizing grants for bio-based innovations in the Central and Eastern European countries”, which will take place next 28 April 2022 from 9.00 to 12.00 CET.

The aim of this webinar is to give up-to-date information on newly opening research and innovation grants related to the biomass production and processing. It aims to present the European Commission research framework programme Horizon Europe priorities and instruments including the Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU) and the possibilities to participate in networks as the Bio-based Industries Consortium offered possibilities.

You can register using the following Registration link

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