Category: Events

Renewable Materials Conference 2025 with project booths by 3-CO, BioReCer and Star4bbs

Renewable Materials Conference 2025 with project booths by 3-CO, BioReCer and Star4bbs

In just a few years, the Renewable Materials Conference (RMC) has established itself as the international meeting place for innovators, companies and brands, investors and policymakers to develop and shape the future renewable carbon economy. As in previous years, the conference organiser nova-Institute expects 400-500 participants from around the world.

The extraction of fossil resources from the ground and their use in the energy and chemical sectors is by far the largest contributor to human-made climate change, accounting for 90% of GHG emissions. While in the energy sector decarbonisation is the way forward, the only option for the chemicals and plastics sectors is to change the carbon source from fossil to renewable carbon: The use of biomass, CO₂ and recycling is the only way forward.

RMC 2025 aims to provide answers to pressing questions for suppliers and brands, investors and policymakers: How to defossilise the chemical industry and remain competitive? How to meet the demand for fossil-free plastics? How to create sustainable carbon cycles? What role will biodegradation play in the circular economy?

In a project booth, the Horizon Europe projects (tackling bio-based certification) 3-CO, BioReCer and Star4bbs  will present their latest findings.


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Free webinar: Digital Solutions for a Bio-Based Future – Empowering Industry and Consumers

Free webinar: Digital Solutions for a Bio-Based Future – Empowering Industry and Consumers

Digital innovation can play a crucial role in strengthening the competitiveness of bio-based feedstocks and products in the European bioeconomy. By providing consumers and industry with essential information on sustainability and circularity criteria of bio-based products and their value chains, digital solutions and tools improve the tracking and traceability of biological feedstocks from their origin to a final product. These digital tools offer valuable insights into a wide range of sustainability criteria, e.g., climate impacts, environmental effects on soil, water and air quality and technical performance. By covering these key areas, digital tools enable a holistic understanding of the sustainability performance of bio-based products and processes throughout their lifecycle.

Digital solutions are set to boost the European bioeconomy by providing critical information on feedstock tracking, sustainability, and certification for bio-based products.

To showcase these advances, a free webinar hosted by Horizon Europe projects 3-CO and BioReCer will introduce several innovative digital tools.

Scheduled for April 8, 2025, from 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM CET, the event offers an excellent opportunity to understand the future of digital technologies in the bioeconomy. Four tools developed by EU-funded projects will be presented and made available to users in the near future.

Register here:

Read more on the webinar content, the participating EU-projects and the speakers here

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You’re invited to the Annual BIOEAST Bioeconomy Conference 2025!

You’re invited to the Annual BIOEAST Bioeconomy Conference 2025!

The Boost4BIOEAST project and the BIOEAST Initiative are happy to invite you to the Annual BIOEAST Bioeconomy Conference!
 The event will take place on 9-10 April 2025 at the Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, Bucharest, Romania. This event will bring together stakeholders from across the Central and Eastern European (CEE) macro-region and beyond to discuss and refine the macro-region’s research and innovation (R&I) priorities in bioeconomy.
The conference will focus on refreshing macro-regional research & innovation priorities for CEE by assessing macro-regional strategic R&I directions, identifying research gaps, and fostering collaboration to drive innovation and policy development in the sector.
More information and the registration link are available here:
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Open Call: UFIL Entrepreneurship Program in Forest Bioeconomy

Open Call: UFIL Entrepreneurship Program in Forest Bioeconomy

The Urban Forest Innovation Lab (UFIL) is launching the 6th edition of its entrepreneurship program in forest bioeconomy. This free program, funded by the Fundación Biodiversidad and supported by the City Council of Cuenca, offers a unique opportunity for innovators to develop sustainable business ideas in the forestry sector.


Who can apply?

UFIL is open to residents of the European Union with innovative ideas related to forest bioeconomy. No previous experience or specific background in the sector is required. Established companies who want to open a new line of business can also apply.

Program details

Duration: March – July 2025

Format: A combination of online training and mentoring, plus in-person workshops in Cuenca, Spain

Total hours: 260 hours of training and mentoring

Language: Spanish

Certification: Participants will receive a certificate from the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM)


Areas of innovation

Selected projects should focus on one of these key areas:

Protective forest: Business models for ecosystem services such as sustainable tourism, water conservation, or biodiversity.

Productive forest: Sustainable use of wood and non-wood forest products.

Innovative forest: Technological solutions for sustainable forest management, including Industry 5.0, deep-tech, and mobile applications.


Resources and support

Participants will have access to a fully equipped innovation lab, designed to support the development and testing of new business solutions. Experts from the public and private sectors will provide mentorship throughout the program.


How to apply?

The application deadline is February 16, 2025. Apply now via

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Certification in bio-based construction

Certification in bio-based construction

On 25 February 2025 at 13:00-14:30 CEST the EU-funded projects BioReCer and 3-CO will be hosting their next webinar focusing on bio-based construction materials and certification.
This time the projects welcome the following speakers:
  • Martin Behrens (National Agency for Regrowing Resources, FNR)
  • Sergiy Kovalenkov (Hempire)
  • Hein van Tuijl (EPEA Benelux)
Find more information on the webinar and the registration link here:
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Don’t miss the SUSTRACK series of workshops “From Vision to Implementation: Shaping Policies to Boost Circular Bio-Based Transition”!

Don’t miss the SUSTRACK series of workshops “From Vision to Implementation: Shaping Policies to Boost Circular Bio-Based Transition”!

Are you a policy expert with knowledge and experiences in plastics, construction, textile, or chemical sectors? Then, don’t miss the series of workshops “From Vision to Implementation: Shaping Policies to Boost Circular Bio-Based Transition” organised by SUSTRACK!

These workshops aim to:

  • Gain insights from keynote speakers outlining the transition challenge, the policy landscape and visions for the transition of the chemical, textile, plastics and construction sectors;
  • Explore policy options identified by the SUSTRACK project that may be considered to boost the circular bio-based economy transition in the different sectors;
  • Collaboratively identify the strengths and weaknesses of the proposed policy options, as well as discuss further possible policy opportunities/approaches.

The workshop series will conclude with the online IMPLEMENT Conference on 21 March 2025, 11:00–12:30 CET, which will provide actionable knowledge and policy recommendations for fostering the transition to a circular bio-based economy.

The workshops will be held online between February and March 2025:

  • CHEMICAL sector: 27th of February 2025; 10:00 – 11:30 CET – Agenda
  • TEXTILE sector: 28th of February 2025, 10:00 – 11:30 CET – Agenda
  • PLASTICS sector: 5th of March 2025, 10:00 – 11:30 CET – Agenda
  • CONSTRUCTION sector: 6th of March 2025, 10:00 – 11:30 CET – Agenda

You’re welcome to join one or more workshops—simply register here and choose your preferred sessions.

Each workshop will include:

  • Key note speeches to introduce the policy landscape, transformation status and challenges towards the transition to circular bio-based economy in the four sectors;
  • Presentation of SUSTRACK approach to identify policy options and outline the selected policies in more detail.
  • An interactive session, where participants will then be able to discuss the policy options, suggest alternative policies and share insights on implementing the policies and subsequent effects on the sectors.

This is your chance to share your vision and influence the development and implementation of policies that promote the circular bio-based transition.

Interested? Register now to one or more workshops and mark your calendars to join the series!

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Workshop “BioFUTURE – Knowledge sharing for unlocking the potential of bioeconomy in Europe from the regional policy perspective”

Workshop “BioFUTURE – Knowledge sharing for unlocking the potential of bioeconomy in Europe from the regional policy perspective”

We are pleased to invite you to the “BioFUTURE – Knowledge sharing for unlocking the potential of bioeconomy in Europe from the regional policy perspective” workshop, organized by the following EU projects – BIOMODEL4REGIONS, BIOTRANSFORM, ROBIN and ShapingBIO – which will take place online on 19 February 2025, from 09:30 to 12:45 CET.

The event aims to present the results obtained by the projects in relation to aspects of regional policy advocacy to promote the bioeconomy, with a dedicated and practical focus on four top priority themes as obtained by the projects in their implementation:

  • Governance and Policy Alignment
  • Social and Regional Challenges and Public Awareness
  • Cross-Sectoral Collaboration and Stakeholder Engagement
  • Environmental Impact and Resource Efficiency

These topics will be addressed following a presentation of the EU policy landscape and insights regarding the update of the Bioeconomy Strategy in process from the European Commission offered by representatives of the DG RTD.

The workshop will allow regional authorities to engage with peers from other regions to share insights and experiences on bioeconomy governance as well as learn from successful examples and approaches implemented in other regions.

You can look at the detailed agenda here: Agenda BioFUTURE Workshop.

Registration: to confirm your participation, kindly register using the following link. 

Contact Information:

We look forward to your participation and to an engaging and productive workshop.

Best regards

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You’re invited to Engage4BIO’s Webinar: “Vocational bioeconomy training – from development to implementation”!

You’re invited to Engage4BIO’s Webinar: “Vocational bioeconomy training – from development to implementation”!

Are you interested in designing vocational training for bioeconomy or similar fields?

Join us for our Engage4BIO webinar where we will provide insights into the co-creation from finding an idea to implementing a final successful one-day training.

  • Welcome
  • Training development: a co-creative process
  • Training structure and format: Overview of our modules, format chosen and audience feedback
  • Outlook
Key Takeaways
  • Gain inspiration for developing bioeconomy VET trainings
  • Build networks with other EU projects focused on similar goals
  • Learn from critical insights based on practical examples
  • Access valuable open-source training materials
Date & Time:
27.02.2025, 10:00 – 11:15
Online (link will be shared upon registration)
Who Should Attend?
This webinar is perfect for educators, training developers, project managers, and anyone interested in innovative methods for training development in the bioeconomy sector.
Don’t miss this opportunity to explore the potential of co-creative training design and connect with experts and peers from across the EU!

Register here!

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Austausch über die Entwicklung von Bioökonomie-Strategien und deren Monitoring in urbanen und ländlichen Räumen

Austausch über die Entwicklung von Bioökonomie-Strategien und deren Monitoring in urbanen und ländlichen Räumen

Am Donnerstag, 06. Februar 2025, organisiert das Steinbeis Europa Zentrum im Rahmen des ROBIN Projekt einen Workshop rund um das Thema „Entwicklung von Bioökonomie-Strategien und deren Monitoring in urbanen und ländlichen Räumen”.

Mit dieser Veranstaltung wollen wir Repräsentanten unterschiedlicher Länder, Regionen und Städte in urbanen und ländlichen Räumen zusammenbringen und über die Entwicklung und Implementierung von Bioökonomie-Strategien diskutieren. Wir möchten Sie herzlich einladen, Ihre Erfahrung auszutauschen und Expertise beizutragen. Während des Workshops werden wir u.a. ein Tool verwenden (Policy Monitoring System), welches im Rahmen des ROBIN-Projekts entwickelt wurde.

Der Austausch wird in drei Themenblöcke strukturiert:

  1. Tools und Methodik
  2. Entwicklung von Strategien
  3. Implementierung und Monitoring von Strategien

Das EU-Projekt ROBIN dient dazu regionale Behörden bei der Gestaltung ihrer Governance-Strukturen und -Modelle zu unterstützen, sodass sie ihre Ziele zur erfolgreichen Etablierung einer Kreislaufwirtschaft im Bereich Bioökonomie schneller erreichen und gleichzeitig soziale Innovationen fördern und unterschiedlichen territorialen Gegebenheiten Rechnung tragen können. Zu diesem Zweck ermitteln und demonstrieren wir (das ROBIN Konsortium) das Potenzial innovativer Governance-Strukturen und -Modelle für die Kreislaufwirtschaft in fünf europäischen Regionen: Irland, Deutschland, Spanien, der Slowakei und Griechenland.

Der Workshop wird in Stuttgart in den Räumlichkeiten des Steinbeis Europa Zentrums stattfinden. Die detaillierte Agenda und den Anmeldungslink finden Sie hier.  Die Anmeldefrist für die Teilnahme an unserem Workshop ist am 29. Januar 2025.

Wir freuen uns sehr auf Ihre Teilnahme!

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EuBioNet Recognized as a Best Practice in the new EU Report “Enhancing Stakeholder Involvement in EU Bioeconomy Policy”

EuBioNet Recognized as a Best Practice in the new EU Report “Enhancing Stakeholder Involvement in EU Bioeconomy Policy”

The European Bioeconomy Network has been highlighted in the new report “Enhancing Stakeholder Involvement in EU Bioeconomy Policy” , released by the European Commission, as a key success story stemming from the BIOVOICES project. The BIOVOICES project was recognised as a standout case study for its effective stakeholder engagement strategies and, among other achievements, made a significant impact by founding EuBioNet, which now connects over 150 EU-funded projects and initiatives focused on promoting the bioeconomy.

The report underscores EuBioNet’s role in facilitating cross-project collaboration and knowledge sharing, which has been pivotal in enhancing stakeholder engagement within the bioeconomy. In fact, EuBioNet was recognized as a model of best practice in the EU Bioeconomy Strategy 2018 for its ability to foster stakeholder involvement and increase the impact and exploitation of bioeconomy projects across Europe.

By continuing to promote the exchange of knowledge and best practices, stimulating thematic dialogues boosting the bioeconomy uptake, EuBioNet remains a vital platform for driving the ongoing success of the bioeconomy transition in Europe.

Not yet a member? Propose your project or initiative and join the network!

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