Projects List

Talent4BBI project
Talent4BBI, the first industry led PhD MSCA programme is being led by BiOrbic, the Bioeconomy SFI Research Centre located in
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 Tech4Biowaste project
Bio-waste is a key waste stream in Europe with a high potential for contributing to a more circular economy. The
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 TRADEIT project
Objective The TRADEIT project is a multidisciplinary, multi-sectorial collaborative project supporting a Network of Traditional Food SMEs and Food Researchers
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 Transition to Green Economy project
Objective The main objective of the project was to contribute to a transition towards a green economy in Europe through
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 Transition2BIO project
An integrated package of activities for sustainable production and consumption Production and consumption drive the economy. Global challenges like climate
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UNLOCK project
Unlock: Unlocking a feather bioeconomy for keratin-based agricultural products As Europe continues on its trajectory to a circular bio economy,
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 URBIOFIN project
URBIOFIN project: Demonstration of an integrated innovative biorefinery for the transformation of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) into new BioBased products
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 UrBIOfuture project
UrBIOfuture’s main goal is to bring Europe to the forefront of the bio-based industry, a sector in full growth that
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 VALOR PLUS project
Objective The Valor-Plus supports the realisation of sustainable, economically viable closed loop integrated biorefineries through the development of new knowledge,
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On average, each European citizen produces approximately 200 kg of municipal biowaste per year, representing between 118 and 138 million
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 WaysTUP! project
Converting bio-waste into valuable products will contribute to a circular economy. The EU-funded WaysTUP! project aims to establish new value
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 WeReLaNa project
Value creation networks for the use of residues in and from agriculture and the food industry as an innovation engine
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