Webinar: Potential and challenges of certification and development of new labels

Are you a member of the (bio-based) industry, a label and certification schemes holder, a policy maker or part of a consumer association? Then participate in the first joined webinar by the Horizon Europe projects 3-CO and BioReCer on November 5th 2024, 11:30 am to 12:30 pm (CET). The webinar will address the vital topic of new certifications and labels for the renewable, and especially bio-based, economy.

Certification and labelling play a crucial role in empowering consumers to make informed and sustainable purchasing decisions by impeding greenwashing and instead providing credible and reliable sustainability information. Furthermore, they facilitate the tracking and traceability of biological and other renewable feedstock throughout value chains, fostering transparency and accountability among stakeholders of the industry. However, there are a lot of challenges for current certification and labelling schemes, since they are often not sufficiently laid-out for bio-based and other renewable products and their value-chains.

In this webinar, REDcert and TÜV AUSTRIA will show their sytems for sustainability certification and will present new or soon to be published label and certification schemes (LCS) that are relevant for the bio-based economy. The speakers will talk about challenges on the way to the final label, and which gaps will be closed.

Join us on November the 5th and listen to the two presentations by REDcert and TÜV AUSTRIA. Together, we will explore their innovative new LCS that will support shaping a strong circular EU (bio)economy.

Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_nS69SWbtQmK6IRceByvF7Q#/registration

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