Share your rural bioeconomy experience! ENRD calls for contributions

The examples will feed into an inventory of European rural bioeconomy initiatives that will be widely disseminated – browse through our collection so far.
The examples will feed into an inventory of European rural bioeconomy initiatives that will be widely disseminated – browse through our collection so far.
This is the sixth BBI JU Annual Work Plan and it outlines the scope and details of R&I activities prioritised for the Call For Proposals in 2019, as well as the governance & activities of BBI JU foreseen for 2019.
We are all on the verge of a transition to a world in which we want and need to be less dependent on fossil raw materials. In the transition to this world, we aim for an economy that runs on biomass as a raw material.
For this transition to a Biobased Economy we need brilliant minds in the future. The road there already starts in primary education (9-12 years old), secondary education (13-16 years old) and secondary vocational education (17-22 years old).
You are an European College or University student and we challenge you to develop innovative teaching materials that can be used to draw attention to the Biobased Economy. Not in a boring lesson, but in such a way that this learning experience can always stay with you. How cool is it when students throughout Europe get to work with a Biobased Lesson that you have created? Moreover, a total prize money of € 9.000,- will be divided among the best entrants!
We have the pleasure to inform you about an ongoing call for proposals EAC/A03/2018 for Sector Skills Alliances for implementing a new strategic approach (“Blueprint”) to sectoral cooperation on skills “Blueprint for bioeconomy, new technologies & innovation in agriculture”. Please download the necessary information.
This call might be of interest to some of the Stakeholders that you communicate to. If you wish to send it out it is important to communicate it ASAP because the deadline for submission is on 28th of Feb.
Best Regards,
Bioeconomy Team
We are happy to share this great result!
What next?
We need to boost the collaboration among the partners!
Do you have suggestions on improving the collaboration among the partners? Please send us an e-mail
On 13-14 November 2018 in Rome (IT), BIOVOICES project will organize a Focus Group to define what challenges should be addressed to support Bioeconomy and Bio-Based market uptake. The workshop will bring together experts in the Bioeconomy field from Business, Research and Education, Public Administration, Civil Society and Users aiming to discuss and validate the project’s findings on the key challenges that must be addressed at European and national level, drawing in this way the framework of the Mobilization and Mutual Learning (MML) activities that will follow.
This document gives an overview about the BIOVOICES Focus Group.
The European Bioeconomy Network supports this activity: partners involved in the following projects will join: AlpBioEco, Biobridges, BioCannDo, BioSTEP, BIOVOICES, BIOWAYS, CommBeBiz, InnProBio, ISABEL, RoadToBio, STAR-ProBio, Transition to Green Economy
Are you interested in being involved in the Focus Group?
Please contact Iakovos Delioglanis (responsible for BIOVOICES of the Focus Group).
The launching event of the European Bioeconomy Network took place in Brussels, on the 28 of March 2018 and was hosted by the European Commission.
The 23 participating projects (BioLinX, ISAAC, BIOPOLIS, BIOWAYS, SuperBIO, ISABEL, BioHorizon, RoadToBio, DEMETER, BIOrescue, STAR4BBI, BioCannDo, BIOPEN, STAR-ProBio, SIM4NEXUS, BLOOM, BIOVoices, BIOSMART, BIOBRIDGES, T2gE – Transition to Green Economy, BioSTEP, CommBeBiz, EMBRACED, PLATFORM, OPEN-BIO, InnProBio, KBBPPS), presented, shared and discussed lesson learnt from their projects, identifying best and worst practices and expressed the willing to define a common action plan to align projects’ activities.
The outcomes of the workshop can be found here
The EuBioNet is supporting the European Commission in showcasing biobased products during the event that will take place in Brussels on the 22nd of October. The idea is to involve EU funded projects, researchers and companies to showcase biobased products with an hands-on approach.
Please suggest people to invite (the travel cost will be covered by the EC). To optimize the corner, the idea is to involve projects, researchers and companies that can present several examples of BBPs.
For privacy reasons, I kindly ask you to suggest the names via e-mail to Susanna Albertini at