INTRINSIC Project Final Conference

First International Conference on Sustainable Entrepreneurship Education will be held on Thursday 25 November from 9.00 – 16.30 CET and on Friday 26 November from 9.00- 13.00 CET, and delivered online from BOKU, Vienna.

The Conference, organized as part of INTRINSIC project final event, will Blend the Three Colours of Sustainability, Entrepreneurship Education and Higher Education for Sustainable Entrepreneurship Education.  

Download the conference agenda and register at the project website.

The focus of the conference is to inspire and engage higher education teachers to embed Sustainable Entrepreneurship Education in Life Science degree programs.



Delegates will take back to their universities their reflections of:

  1. a framework for supporting the development of students’ sustainable entrepreneurial
    skills at life science universities, in stand-alone entrepreneurial degree programmes and
    across the curriculum in discipline specific degree programmes.
  2. an understanding of the delivery of sustainable entrepreneurial education in the context
    of the SDGs with new perspectives for future developments.
  3. the set of tools developed by the INTRINSIC Project to support the delivery of the
    learning outcomes for sustainable entrepreneurship education.

A Network of university staff and university stakeholders, who have a commitment to
implement education for sustainable entrepreneurship in their teaching and their students’
learning, engaged in the Special Interest Group focusing on Sustainable Entrepreneurship
Education within the Association for European Life Science Universities (ICA, ).


Lecturers, degree programme coordinators, and vice deans and vice rectors for education,
researchers in entrepreneurial education.


Session 1 is directed primarily towards lecturers and degree programme coordinators,
Session 2 is directed towards curriculum decision makers in higher education institutions,
degree programme coordinators, and vice deans and vice rectors for education.

Conference agenda

From date
To date