POWER4BIO webinar series: Bioenergy
Training Webinar 2: Successful cases. Keys for success, collaboration schemes and roadmaps to promote the implementation of bioenergy projects
Tuesday, December 15; 10:00 – 12:00 am CET
In December 2020, POWER4BIO will organise a training webinar series about bioenergy. In a set of three thematic training webinars, experts from the POWER4BIO consortium and other European organisations will give insights about the current status of bioenergy production at EU level, traditional and innovative production technologies, keys for successful business cases, funding opportunities and supporting policies. All webinars will be free of charge and open to everyone. In this POWER4BIO training webinar series about bioenergy we will show success industrial examples and policies and financing instruments needed to success.
In the second webinar, we will present successful business cases involving several biomass residues. We will highlight their keys for success and inform about collaboration schemes and give advice how to develop roadmaps that help promoting the implementation of bioenergy projects.
• Laura Carbó (Ayuntamiento de Vilafranca del Penedès): Project “Viñedos por Calor”
• to be confirmed
For more information and registration, please visit our news entry about the webinar series.
If any questions remain, please feel free to contact Mr. Javier Marcos Gonzales.