The alliance between primary production and bio-based industries. A macro regional approach

The alliance between primary production and bio-based industries. A macro regional approach

Trieste (Piazza dell’Unità 1) – 24th May 2019, 14.00

The workshop is part of the Pro-ESOF event “Bioeconomy and Bio-based Industry for the Rural Renaissance of Regions (3BiR3)“, that will take place on 23th and 24th May in Trieste (Piazza dell’Unità 1).

The workshop aims to identify opportunities offered by the Bioeconomy, with a particular emphasis on its bio-based component, for the interregional development of Italy, Austria, Slovenia and Croatia.

The focus will be on enhancing those value chains of rural areas able to generate potential investments for and in collaboration with the bio-based industries.

The workshop will be organized in two sessions. During the first part, case studies representing the regions involved will be presented, providing ideas and practical examples to stimulate discussion during the next session. In the second session, the Quadruple Helix stakeholders will work in a participatory way on the challenges, opportunities and barriers to promote the interregional development.

The discussion, the exchange of ideas and best practices will contribute to the elaboration of practical recommendations that will feed the dialogue between the main actors of this field at European level.

Pre-Registration is a fundamental condition for participation. More information and the registration form are available at the following link:

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