The BIOSkills: the competences that will drive the transition

The Commission has adopted its proposal to make 2023 the European Year of Skills, following the announcement by President Ursula von der Leyen in her 2022 State of the Union address. The green and digital transitions are opening up new opportunities for people and the EU economy.

In line with 2023 as European Year of Skills, Transition2BIO organises in hybrid format a full-day event organised in two sessions.
The event will take place next 2 December 2022 at Piazza Sassari 4, 00161 Roma – sala Conferenze and online.

Morning session

‘Future skills for Bioeconomy’ – Biobased products

Time: 09:30 – 11:30 CET
A co-creation workshop on ‘Future skills for Bioeconomy’ – Biobased products, which aims to identify the future skills and related educational needs in the European bioeconomy.

Target audience
The organisers encourage the participation of EU funded projects in bioeconomy education, EU and local institutions, universities, policymakers, private companies, associations, teachers, students, and whoever may be interested in or have something to say about the future skills and related educational needs to
build the future workforce of the European bioeconomy.
See the full Agenda here!


Afternoon session

The BIOSkills: the competences that will drive the transition

Time: 13:30 – 16:30 CET

The green and digital transitions are opening up new opportunities for people and the EU economy. Having the relevant skills empowers people to successfully navigate labour market changes and to fully engage in society and democracy.
This will ensure that nobody is left behind and the economic recovery as well as the green and digital transitions are socially fair and just. A workforce with the skills that are in demand also contributes to sustainable growth, leads to more innovation and improves companies’ competitiveness.

The Transition2BIO Project in the past 2 years delivered a set of capacity building activities for public authorities, teachers and students with a view to foster the implementation of bioeconomy strategies and the communication of bioeconomy to multiple target audiences.
To do so, a set of materials such as Transitio2BIO Toolkits and training modules have been developed and delivered by the project.
An overview of such materials, together with instructions on how to use them and hand them over to relevant stakeholders will be provided at the beginning of the event.
See the full Agenda here!

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