25 Cases for Bioeconomy Innovation Around The Baltic Sea Region

25 Case for Bioeconomy Innovation Around Baltic Sea Region -publication was prepared in a consortium of 12 organizations from five European countries and with the support of Nordic Council of Ministers. This publication was developed within the Interreg Baltic Sea Region project RDI2CluB, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

This publication contains inspirational stories about how private and public sector players in five European countries have sought and found, and continue to develop knowledge-based, smart and efficient solutions aimed at promoting bioeconomy development – to sustain biodiversity and ecosystem services, increase competitiveness of business and unlock the potential of well-known and appearing resources.

In most cases, this positive change grounds on one most effective tools – collaboration, which has no boarders or limits, and which opens horizons for the most novel knowledge and approaches, available inside and outside a regional ecosystem, and creates preconditions for innovation, necessary for the most effective and sustainable development of bio-economy.


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