The BIOVOICES Final Event

The BIOVOICES final event will be held online, via WebEx, on the 22nd of April from 10:00 to 13:00 (CEST)

Europe is building a “different world” for the future generations, promoting a more sustainable consumption, production and lifestyle, through the EU Green Deal policies and the initiatives supporting bioeconomy, in particular the 2018 updated Bioeconomy Strategy.

Despite these efforts, the large public is often unaware of the bioeconomy related terminologies, the bio-based applications in every-day’s life and the technologies behind the innovations produced by the bio-based research and industry.

The HORIZON 2020 project BIOVOICES ( has implemented in 40 months a number of activities to respond to these challenges in order to increase awareness of the environmental, social and economic benefits of sustainable and circular bioeconomy and its sectors, in particular bio-based sectors among citizens.

BIOVOICES outcomes and activities will continue in the Transition2BIO project, aiming at promoting the successful transition towards a more sustainable consumption, production and lifestyle.

During the final BIOVOICES event there will be a session dedicated to the European Bioeconomy Network (EuBioNet), a live interaction with the bioeconomy projects, to refine the common vision/mission for the EuBioNet, to make it more responsive to the projects members needs and increase the EuBioNet impact and effectiveness.

The following points will be discussed in an interactive session:

  • How to exploit the EuBioNet assets to maximise the impact of the projects?
  • How to scale up its effectiveness in enhancing collaboration among partners and beyond?
  • Define a shared action plan of project’s activities.

Your contribution is important, I hope you will be participating!

More information about the event and agenda are available HERE

Registration available HERE

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