Cluster SPRING Annual Networking Event

Monday, 28 October 2019, 10.00 am – Rome

The networking event will provide an overview of current events in the sector and a dialogue between protagonists of Italian and Swiss entrepreneurship.

There will be space for the presentation of all realities of the clusters interested in presenting their activity and for one-to-one meetings between members and others bioeconomy stakeholder.

Following the draft agenda (ITA):

09:30 Registrazione
10:00 Apertura con presentazione della giornata
10:20 Saluti dell’Ambasciatrice di Svizzera in Italia, Rita Adam
10:35 La Bioeconomia in Italia / Giulia Gregori Cluster SPRING
10:55 La Green scienza applicata in Svizzera / Fabian Fischer, HE-SO Valais
– Pausa caffè –
11:25 Panoramica sui progetti CLARIANT / Michael Tesch, Country Head Italia
11:40 Presentazione dei soci SPRING
Apertura di Regione Lazio
– Networking lunch –
14.45 Fine lavori

Luogo: Ambasciata di Svizzera, Via B. Oriani 61, Roma

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