Launch Webinar – Voiste Hackathon powered by BioBoosters

Võiste Hackathon – Mining the Green Gold from Greenhouse Biomass

Open webinar on 16/02/2024 at 9.00 CET

The launch webinar is a great opportunity to get insight into what kind of green gold can be mined by extracting value from biomass. You will also learn more about the scope of the challenge and detailed schedule of the hackathon process. Practical tips about the applying process and participation in Võiste Hackathon will also be covered. 🌱🍅

🌱 Welcome – Toomas Toodu/moderator, Pärnu County Development Centre;
🌱 Presentation of the Challenge for Võiste Greenhouse – Mirko Metsaoru, Owner Võiste Greenhouse;
🌱 The BioBoosters concept – Anna Aalto, Jyväskylä University of Applied Science;
🌱 Extracting Value from Biomass – Reelika Rätsep (Phd), Scientific Researcher at Estonian University of Life Sciences;
🌱 Q&A

Be part of our journey towards smart circular horticulture!

Please sign up for the webinar HERE: VÕISTE HACKATHON – Mining the Green Gold – Kobar – Pärnumaa innovatsioonikeskus (

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