Transition2Bio capacity building activity “How to raise awareness and communicate the Bioeconomy”

Transition2Bio is organizing a capacity building on “How to raise awareness and communicate the Bioeconomy”, which will take place next 6-7 April from 09:30 to 12:30 am.

The capacity building is organized in collaboration with the EuBioNet and the support of BIOEAST Initiative and GoDanuBio Project with the aim to support participants with contents, methodologies, tools, replicable good practices and formats in the light of strengthening their effectiveness in the implementation of awareness raising, communication and education activities.

Format and structure
The package is structured in 5 modules with a number of preparatory activities (e.g. Info-trainings and parallel testing of the capacity building modules).

During the first day the involved EU Member States and Regions will be offered an overview of “How to raise awareness and communicate the bioeconomy”, while the second day is devoted to the exchange of experiences and mutual learning among the participants through a real-time interactive discussion.

More more information and the full agenda here.
You can register to the capacity building at this link.

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