The BIObec project, funded by BBI JU under Horizon 2020, aims at leveraging education to unlock the full potential of the European bioeconomy, by building bridges between the bio-based industry and the education system.
The project is organising the 1st BIObec Implementation and Replication Working Group workshop which will take place online next 21 October 2022 from 10:00 to 11:30 CET.
You can find here the agenda.
To attend, please register at this link before 20 October at 12.00 pm CET
Additional details
BIObec concept merges the traditional idea of an education centre – such as a university or a vocational education and training centre – with that of a knowledge hub: the Bio-Based Education Centres (BBECs), which will act as multi-level knowledge hubs bridging the gaps between academic institutions, students, innovation entities and policymakers.
BIObec seeks to set the basis for the development of BBECs in six different European regions to answer the needs of the bio-based industry at local, regional, and national levels. These BBECs are expected to ensure a wide geographical coverage in Europe and address a wide range of topics linked to the variety of value chains and the different institutional contexts, paving the way for replication in other regions.
The core nucleus for the future implementation of the BBECs is the Implementation and Replication Working Group (IRWG), that will participate to project initiatives in the role of stakeholders and will facilitate the replication of the BIObec’s experience beyond the project’s efforts.
The IRWG members are local stakeholders, interested in implementing and replicating the BBECs experience in other EU Regions and countries by co-developing a roadmap applicable for potential additional BBECs across Europe.
The first IRWG workshop will:
– stimulate the discussion around bioeconomy education
– define a more integrated, connected and wider approach for the BBECs future implementation
– explore the opportunity to transfer and replicate the BBECs formats into additional territorial bioeconomy ecosystems
– engage additional IRWG members