Author: Selenia Marinelli

4th International Summer School on Circular Bio-economy and Sustainable Development

4th International Summer School on Circular Bio-economy and Sustainable Development

With the global focus on Circular Bioeconomy, the key players are the new generation of experts and managers who possess a broad educational background and can cover the entire spectrum of this multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral field. Within this framework, we would like to invite students and young scientists to participate in the 4th Summer School to be organized Live at Perrotis College (American Farm School), Thessaloniki, from 5 to 9 September 2022.

Full program here.


  • Familiarization of students with current trends in Bioeconomy
  • Increased interest in the particular Balkan region
  • Introduction of new aspects and perspectives in sustainability and development
  • Hands-on Student involvement


Early Bird – until May 15th: 250 euros
Later than May 15th: 300 euros
The fee includes expenses for SummerSchool participation, coffee breaks, light lunch, dinner in Thessaloniki Center (Monday 5th), and the grill party (Friday 9th).
Maximum number of participants: 60 persons.

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World BioEconomy Forum talks on climate

World BioEconomy Forum talks on climate

The World BioEconomy Forum is a global platform for circular bioeconomy stakeholders to share ideas and promote bio-based solutions. We are fully committed to sustainability across the board and believe that climate change is real. As there is no one-size-fits-all bioeconomy, we evaluate the status of the circular bioeconomy with the Four-Pillar Structure. All our programmes and other activities are based on the Four-Pillar Structure.

The World BioEconomy Forum season 2022 has begun and it will be culminated in the annual conference in Ruka, Finland on 7–8 September 2022. The season will pave the way for the first bioeconomy conference to take place after the Northern Hemisphere summer.

You can find all the details about the program at this link.

This season marks the 5th edition since its establishment in 2018. The latest annual conference was organised in Belém, Brazil last autumn.

During this season, the World BioEconomy Forum wants to raise key discussions on the role of the bioeconomy and bioproducts in mitigating climate change. In the Forum we think that bioeconomy and bioproducts act as additional tools in combatting climate change. Consequently, the annual conference is named: The World BioEconomy Forum talks on climate – live from Ruka! The theme will be reiterated throughout the events of the season 2022, and it will be also featured in the annual Declaration.

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Final Conference of the EU project on “Promoting Education, training and skills across the bioeconomy”

Final Conference of the EU project on “Promoting Education, training and skills across the bioeconomy”

On Thursday 15 September 2022 from 9.00 to 17:00 CET, Deloitte, empirica and Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini (FGB) are organising a Conference, together with the European Commission’s Directorate General for Research & Innovation (DG RTD), as part of the project on “Promoting education, training and skills across the bioeconomy”.

The conference aims to gather a wide-range of stakeholders in the field of bioeconomy education, training and skills (i.e. education institutions, private and public sector, academics and scientists), to present and discuss the results of the project and the recommendations for the development of education at higher education, VET and entrepreneurship levels, in order to empower the future workforce with the skills required in an evolving, circular and sustainable bioeconomy.

Moderated by Joanna Inglis-Dupont, this highly interactive one-day conference will welcome renowned speakers in the field of bioeconomy education and skills.

Participants will also have multiple opportunities to exchange with the speakers and project team and to meet with peers.

When and where is the conference taking place?
Thursday 15 September 2022 from 9.00 to 17:00
 CET at the premises of the European Commission in Brussels:
European Commission (Rue la Loi, Brussels) | Room LC2 – LAUDI (auditorium)

A web streaming link will also be communicated in the coming weeks, to the participants who choose to participate online.

How to register?
To register, please fill in the form here by 6 September at 23:59 CET.

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PITCH PERFECT and Boost the European Bioeconomy 2022

PITCH PERFECT and Boost the European Bioeconomy 2022


Click here to download the event programme

This pitching, matchmaking and networking event brings together the networks of seven important bioeconomy platformsPilots4UTech4BiowasteBioeconomyVenturesThe ProteInn ClubWaste2FuncBIOMAC and Bio Base Connect. As such, we can guarantee a diverse attendance reaching from SMEs, start-ups, scale-ups, large companies/corporates, investors, research organisations, technology providers to organisations offering relevant innovation services such as access to finance, scale-up trials, application testing, business plan writing, feedstock analysis, life cycle assessment, social acceptance, etc.

Participants are invited to submit a pitch application for a 6 minutes pitch. As we are organising 6 pitch sessions of 90 minutes each, we are looking for at least 66 inspiring pitches. Not to exclude any interesting developments, pitch categories are not defined upon registration but should be relevant for further development of the bioeconomy.

The matchmaking are one-on-one meetings of 20 minutes aimed at finding new partners. The scheduling of these meetings will be supported by an online matchmaking system, easy to use on a smartphone or laptop.

More info at this link.

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4th Bioeconomy Congress Baden-Württemberg

4th Bioeconomy Congress Baden-Württemberg

The bioeconomy is regarded as one of the major drivers of future innovation. It contributes to the transformation of the current economic system as it involves resource efficient strategies to produce, use and recycle biobased goods at the end of their lifecycle. The bioeconomy also creates new approaches for supplying food and provisioning materials, products and energy. Thus, the bioeconomy is important for climate and environmental protection and also has great potential to create sustainable jobs.

Baden-Württemberg is one of the leading regions for bioeconomic innovations in Europe. The fourth Baden-Württemberg Bioeconomy Congress will present four sessions and a final discussion under the title “Contributions of the Bioeconomy to the European Green Deal”. The target groups of the congress are experts and interested persons from science, industry, practice and politics.

To complement the congress, several side events will take place on the 26th, 27th and 28th of September 2022, such as seminars, workshops or excursion to lighthouse projects and research institutions.

Full program and registration at the following link.

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EU Bioeconomy Conference 2022

EU Bioeconomy Conference 2022

The high-level conference ‘The Bioeconomy – Enabling the European Green Deal in Challenging Times’ will take place on 6 and 7 October in the Charlemagne building in Brussels. In addition, all sessions will also be live-streamed to allow everyone to get involved from anywhere.

In this context, there will be the presentation of the findings of the EU Bioeconomy Strategy Progress Report, adopted in June 2022 and highlight the role of bioeconomy policy to enhance policy coherence and system thinking. A series of bioeconomy success stories from EU research and innovation will be presented, alongside evidence for a successful implementation of the EU Bioeconomy Strategy. There will also be an opportunity to discuss how the bioeconomy can help to better manage certain trade-offs, by addressing the question of how increasing biomass demand for energy and industrial needs can be matched with increasing climate and biodiversity objectives.

Bioeconomy encompasses all sectors and associated services and investments that produce, use, process, distribute or consume biological resources, including ecosystem services. From the food we eat to the furniture in our house and the clothes we wear, the bioeconomy, as one of the Union’s largest sectors, is already present in our daily lives. Bioeconomy can be the natural enabler and result of the European Green Deal transformation.

You can find all the details at this link.

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Bioeconomy Creative Competition: Show us the bioeconomy in your life!

Bioeconomy Creative Competition: Show us the bioeconomy in your life!

Are you a creative person between the ages of 14 and 35, legally residing in EU-27 or Ukraine and having an interest in bioeconomy and/or bioeconomy related fields (food systems, forestry, climate change, rural development, blue bioeconomy…)? Use art to contribute to the sustainable and circular transition of Europe!

Join before 15 August 2022 11.59 pm CET to:

  • Raise awareness about the bioeconomy
  • Engage youth and expand horizons on different forms of bioeconomy across Europe
  • Demonstrate the variety of bioeconomy, its opportunities and meaning of it
  • Bring different visions and realities to policy makers and to all of us

Applications and inputs can be sent in any official EU language or Ukrainian.

Translations of the registration form in EU survey from English to the official EU languages and Ukrainian can be found at the bottom of the EU survey page.

Find out how to participate at the following link.

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BIO-PLASTICS EUROPE is issuing a call for Papers for a new book: “Innovative Approaches to Handle Plastic Waste and Foster Bio-based Plastics Production”

BIO-PLASTICS EUROPE is issuing a call for Papers for a new book: “Innovative Approaches to Handle Plastic Waste and Foster Bio-based Plastics Production”


According to a study conducted by the UN Environment, plastic is one of the greatest environmental challenges of the 21st century.
It is estimated that every year around 13 million tons of plastic waste is deposited in nature. Another problem is that approximately 40% of all plastic produced in the last 150 years was used only once, before being discarded.
The fact that global plastics production has been in excess of 300 million metric tons since 2014 (and reached 367 million metric tons in 2020) means that urgent initiatives aimed at handling the “plastic problem” are needed.

Based on the need to handle the management of plastic and to promote approaches and methods aimed at fostering the production of bio-based plastic, BIO-PLASTICS EUROPE is preparing the book “Innovative Approaches to Handle Plastic Waste and Foster Bio-based Plastics Production”.

The book will be structured in 2 parts: part 1 focuses on plastic waste management and part 2 focuses on bio-based plastics production and use.

We are looking for papers related to innovative means to manage and prevent plastic waste taking into account health and safety standards, to end-of-life solutions as well as environmental and economic life cycle assessments of plastic products. Furthermore, we are interested on works which showcase efficient means to produce bio-based and biodegradable plastic on the one hand, and foster its reuse and recycling on the other, ensuring the safety of recycled materials for both the environment and the society.

The book will be produced as part of the World Sustainability Series, the leading peer-reviewed book series on matters related to sustainable development.

As it is a peer-reviewed publication, contributions to the book are acknowledged as high-quality academic outputs. Authors may have their contributions officially submitted for promotion and tenure purposes. For PhD students, accepted papers are an acknowledged sign of high-quality academic performance.

Expressions of interest to contribute to the book, consisting of a 300-words abstract with all contact data from the authors, should be sent to the project team at: by 31st August 2022. Full papers are due by 30th October 2022. Further details will be shared with the authors whose papers have been selected.

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The Bioeconomy Strategy Progress Report has been adopted and published

The Bioeconomy Strategy Progress Report has been adopted and published

Requested by the Council of the European Union in 2019, this report assesses the progress made in the implementation of the EU Bioeconomy Strategy from 2018 and its action plan, and identifies gaps for possible future EU bioeconomy action and initiatives.

The report reflects on the increased importance of the bioeconomy in the new political environment, framed by the European Green Deal. With our current fossil-based economy having reached its limits, the transition towards a new societal and economic model, based on the sustainable and circular use of biological resources, has become one of the Union’s core tasks. The bioeconomy, with its potential to improve policy coherence, and identify and resolve trade-offs, for example on land and biomass demands, enables countries and regions to design transition pathways according to their specific challenges and opportunities. Hence, the bioeconomy plays a crucial role in achieving the objectives of the European Green Deal, and help us to find solutions for the current food security and energy independence crisis caused by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The report further shows that the actions set out in the Bioeconomy Strategy of 2018 are on track in achieving the strategy’s main objectives:

  • An increasing number of national and regional bioeconomy strategies promote cross-sectoral cooperation and sustainability principles, and invest in bioeconomy innovation.
  • Progress on bioeconomy deployment has been achieved in Central and Eastern European countries, aided by significant EU funding contributions and the establishment of new fora and networks.
  • Mobilisation of private investments, start-ups and research and innovation in food and other bio-based industries are increasing and show promising developments. Europe has a strong position in the global market for bio-based chemicals and materials.

Yet, the report also identified gaps in the implementation of the action plan that require further action. First, increased focus on how to better manage land and biomass demands to meet environment and economic requirements in a climate neutral Europe. Second, work on more sustainable consumption patterns to enhance environmental integrity.

Following the relevant links to the report and the related documents:

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Conference ‘How to engage with the Mission “Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030” – A Mediterranean Lighthouse’

Conference ‘How to engage with the Mission “Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030” – A Mediterranean Lighthouse’

The hybrid high-level Conference ‘How to engage with the Mission “Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030” – A Mediterranean Lighthouse’ will take place the 13-14 June 2022 in Marseille.

The event is organised by the European Commission together with the Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur Region, cluster “Pôle Mer Méditerranée”, City of Marseille and Aix-Marseille University.

It will focus on the Mission “Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030” implementation and its planned actions to accelerate the transition to zero pollution in the Mediterranean Sea. In particular, this event will outline the co-creation process of the Mission Charter by discussing with stakeholders and youth how to get involved in the Mission.

On the 13 June, there will be a series of side events, an exhibition, and a symbolic torchlight initiative. The high-level conference will take place on the 14 June.

Registrations are open at this link.
Please make sure you register by Wednesday 1 June.

You can explore the last version of the draft programme of the event and read more about the Mission here.

Should you not be able to join us in person at the Aix-Marseille University, Jardin du Pharo in Marseille, there will also be the possibility to follow the event and participate virtually.

Please do not hesitate to contact the helpdesk:  should you have any questions.

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