Author: Susanna Albertini

CBE JU calls are open for submission! Deadline 18 September

CBE JU calls are open for submission! Deadline 18 September

The CBE JU 2024 call for project proposals is open for submission untill 18 September 2024 at 17:00 CET.

Don’t miss this great opportunity!

Innovation actions – flagship (IA-flagship)

Innovation actions (IA)

Research and innovation actions (RIA)

Coordination and support actions (CSA)

Check the Annual Work Programme 2024 for the complete topic text, conditions and requirements. FAQ for applicants will be published by the end of March and updated continuously based on the questions from applicants. Please send your questions to info [at]


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Cluster meeting: Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe projects contributing to the EU Plastics Strategy

Cluster meeting: Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe projects contributing to the EU Plastics Strategy

8 Novembre 2022 , 14:00 – 17:30

Organized by: European Research Executive Agency (REA)

On 16 January 2018, the EU adopted its European Strategy for Plastics in a Circular Economy. The strategy is part of the EU Action Plan for Circular Economy, and builds on existing measures to reduce plastic waste. The EU Plastics Strategy is a key element of Europe’s transition towards a carbon neutral and circular economy as set out in the EU Green Deal and Research&Innovation actions are paramount to ensure such transition. Since 2018, Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe (EU’s research and innovation framework programmes) have funded projects which develop innovative solutions to boost the circular economy for plastics. The meeting wants to showcase the contribution of Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe projects to the EU Plastics Strategy and therefore to the EU Green Deal. The meeting will see the participation of around 20 ongoing Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe projects contributing to the EU Plastics Strategy and EU Action Plan for Circular Economy from different angles: from improving the sorting separation and recycling of multi-layers materials, to removing hazardous substances in plastics, from better understanding and monitoring the impact of plastics in the environment (including pollution) to tacking specific plastics challenges in agriculture.

The Horizon 2020 projects involved in the meeting have already taken part in other clustering events, where some cluster representatives / ambassadors have been appointed. This cluster meeting wants to be also a follow-up of previous clustering meetings, with the additional contribution of recently-signed Horizon Europe projects. Relevant project activities and solutions that have the potential to contribute to EU policy developments in the area of circular and sustainable plastics will be presented and further clustering opportunities will be identified.

Session chairs

REA representative (TBC)
Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe cluster representatives (TBC)


14.00-14.05 Opening
Speaker from REA (TBC)

14.05-14.20 Overview of EU’s funding opportunities and relevant initiatives in support of the EU’s plastics strategy
Speaker from REA (TBC)

14.20-14.30 Green Innovation with EIC Accelerator
Speaker from EISMEA (TBC)

14.30-15.50 Short presentations of H2020 and HE projects, with a special focus on their contribution to the EU Plastics Strategy and opportunities for projects clustering 
Project representatives (TBC)

15.50-16.00 Addressing challenges to unlock bio-plastics potential: the contribution of EU-funded projects
FVA New Media Research, European Bioeconomy Network, Glaukos

16.00-16.25 Q&As, discussions and next steps for clustering
Moderator from REA (TBC)

16.25-16.30 Closing
Speaker from REA (TBC)

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Bioeconomy strategy development in EU regions – JRC KCB just released a study

Bioeconomy strategy development in EU regions – JRC KCB just released a study

This study aimed to map and analyse the deployment of bioeconomy strategies at regional level in the EU-27. It was conducted from July 2021 to March 2022 and covered regulatory frameworks in place or under development as of November 2021 by the JRC Knowledge Centre for Bioeconomy.
The focus was on regions at NUTS 1 and NUTS 2 territorial levels. The NUTS 3 level was only analysed in cases where no relevant information could be found at higher levels. Usually, the research focused on the predominant sub-national NUTS level in each country.
The findings show that 194 regions in the EU-27 have, or are working towards, a strategic framework related to the bioeconomy. Of these, 28 regions have fully dedicated bioeconomy strategies, while one region is elaborating such a strategy. 62 regions have strategic frameworks with strong bioeconomy focus, with other 7 regions elaborating such a strategy. Lastly, 94 regions have strategies with minimum bioeconomy content, while another 2 regions are developing such a strategy.
Overall, there are 359 bioeconomy-related strategies at regional level in the EU-27. Of those, 334 frameworks are published. Of these 334, 324 are regional and 10 are multi-regional strategic frameworks.
The report includes a methodological note, data and visualisations from the mapping, an analysis of commonalities and divergences between regional strategies across the EU based on their general characteristics and a focused summary for each Member State. It is complemented by the underpinning dataset, published separately.

Interested to know a few highlights from the study?:

In the EU-27, there are:
– 28 regions with fully dedicated bioeconomy strategies
– 62 with strategies with a strong bioeconomy focus
– 94 with strategies with minimum bioeconomy content
– 10 with strategies under development
Overall, 194 regions have a bioeconomy-related strategy

In total, there are 324 regional strategies related to the bioeconomy:
– 32 fully dedicated to the bioeconomy
– 209 where bioeconomy is embedded within a wider strategic framework
– 83 cover bioeconomy within a sectoral strategy

The regional strategies are well aligned with the EU bioeconomy strategy: most of them aim to tackle its objectives, especially to manage the natural resources sustainably, reduce dependence on non-renewable resources & create jobs.

The regional strategies show a wide & comprehensive portfolio of policy measures to enable the bioeconomy in the EU regions, like funding of R&I, to ensure policy coherence by improving governance, foster collaboration, promote & raise awareness, etc.

Different types of biomass resources are addressed by the regional strategies, especially those from agriculture, forests and wastes.

These and many more insights available in the report ( The underlying data is also available for further analysis (

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3rd Summer School on Circular Bioeconomy & Sustainable Development

3rd Summer School on Circular Bioeconomy & Sustainable Development

American Farm School

Objectives and Aims
In the current Circular Bioeconomy concept, the key players are the new
generation of experts and managers possessing a wide educational background
and capable of covering the entire spectrum of this multidisciplinary and crosssectoral
field. In this frame, we aim to invite students and young scientists to
participate in the 3rd Summer School to be organized ΟΝ-LINE AND FREE OF
CHARGE from 6 to 10 September 2021.

The topics
• The Agricultural and Forest Value Chains
• The Aquatic Value Chain
• Biodiversity, Digitalisation and Bio-Informatics in the Post Genome Era.
• Societal, Innovation, Regulatory, and Clustering Issues.
• Education Worldwide

Target Audience
There is no specific limit on the number of participants. Preferably graduate
students and young researchers.

Towards a hybrid education frame
This year the Summer School will be organized entirely online, for the last time.
The current pandemic situation imposes that. However, we consider this a
challenging opportunity for testing new communication and educational systems
which could efficiently substitute traditional educational methods.

Expected outcomes and perspectives
• Familiarization of the students with the current trends of Circular Bioeconomy
and Sustainable Development
• Enabling interest for a particular region
• Introduction to some new aspects and perspectives
• Involvement of the students in practice. Presentation of case studies from the

Chaired by
Prof. Dr. Konstantinos E. Vorgias

Free of charge


Program 3rd Summer School on Circular Bioeconomy & Sustainable Development

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Promote education, training and skills across the EU bioeconomy First study workshop

Promote education, training and skills across the EU bioeconomy First study workshop

Online participatory workshop: 26 October from 9:30 to 16:30 CEST

Deloitte, Empirica and Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini (FGB) are organising an online participatory workshop, together with the European Commission’s Directorate General for Research & Innovation (DG RTD) as part of its study on “Promote education, training and skills across the bioeconomy”.

Workshop objectives

The workshop aims to gather a wide-range of stakeholders in the field of bioeconomy education training and skills (education institutions, private and public sector, academics and scientists), in order to discuss current trends and future skills needs in the European bioeconomy towards 2030 and 2050.

Moderated by Joanna Inglis-Dupont, this highly interactive one-day online workshop will welcome renowned speakers in the field of bioeconomy education and skills.

Susanna Albertini (FVA, Transition2BIO, EuBioNet, BIOBec, BIOVOICES, LIFT, Biobridges, BIOWAYS) will give the speech “Inspiring Young Generations”.

Below you can read the complete Agenda:

Participants will also have multiple occasions to exchange with the study team and to meet with peers.

Join us in shaping the future of skills in the EU bioeconomy!

Click here to find more information and register.

The registration will be open until 14 October, but the spots are limited.

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Call for Lessons Learnt and best practices in Communication, Awareness Raising and Education for mutual learning workshop

Call for Lessons Learnt and best practices in Communication, Awareness Raising and Education for mutual learning workshop

The European Bioeconomy Network and projects BIOVOICES, BioCannDo, Biobridges and LIFT is organising the European MML (Mobilisation and Mutual Learning) workshop “The role of communication and education to promote changes in purchasing habits and increasing the acceptance of bio-based products” that will be held in Helsinki on the 8th of July as satellite event of the Bioeconomy Conference 2019

The announcement of this satellite event is on line:


We would like to invite the EuBioNet members to share their lesson learnt in communication, awareness raising and education as short pitch and/or to participate to the Mobilisation and Mutual Learning session.

We also kind ask you to share this invitation to relevant projects and networks.


The registration to the workshop is free of charge, but the registration is requested.

This is the page where you will find more infos and the registration form.


Please note that the registration to the main conference, hosting our satellite event, will be possible only before the 17 of April.

for more information:
Chiara Pocaterra:;
Silvia Valentini:;
Susanna Albertini: