Author: Louis Ferrini

The European Bioeconomy Network (EUBioNet) is a proactive alliance of EU funded projects dealing with Bioeconomy promotion, communication and support. The main goal is to maximise the efforts, increasing the knowledge sharing, networking, mutual learning, coordination of joint activities and events. The European Bioeconomy Network will work in close collaboration with the European Commission, to ensure that the objectives identified by the Bioeconomy Strategy update will be properly communicated, addressed and implemented.
 BIOSCHAMP project

 BIOSCHAMP project

Project concluded

BIOSCHAMP Biostimulant alternative casing for a sustainable and profitable mushroom industry

The BIOSCHAMP project aims to develop an integrated approach to tackle the mushroom cultivation challenges: an alternative and sustainable peat-free biostimulant casing for the mushroom industry, reducing the dependency on and need for pesticides and contributing to improve the productivity, the sustainability, and the profitability of the European mushroom sector.

The goal of the BIOSCHAMP project is to improve the mushroom sector industrial profitability while reducing the agronomical need for pesticides by 90 %. This will help mushroom growers meet consumer demands to find alternatives to fungicide dependence.


Jaime Carrasco



 COOPID project

 COOPID project

Project concluded

COOPeration of bioeconomy clusters for bio-based knowledge transfer via Innovative Dissemination techniques in the primary production sector

Bioeconomy starts on the fields, yet meaningful participation of the primary sector in the bioeconomy is currently challenged, especially due to:

  1. poor cooperation and knowledge transfer between relevant stakeholders,
  2. limited support to invest in R&D of new value chains.

To answer this challenge, the COOPID project proposes an effective strategy to mobilise primary producers and stimulate the uptake of inclusive and sustainable bio-based business models in the European primary production sector, considering regional & sectorial conditions.
To do so, a network of COOPID Bioeconomy Clusters from 10 European countries has been created ad-hoc, involving a range of stakeholders: (a) primary producers, in cooperatives or associations, within agriculture, forestry & aquaculture, (b) industry, (c) public sector, (d) research & academia.
We will foster the deployment of innovative bio-based business models in the primary production based on a four-level knowledge transfer approach:

  • Selecting “Success Story Showcases” across different EU countries among the network which will be visited in person by the participants from the network – “COOPID ambassadors”- (level 1),
  • Organising workshops to be done by the “COOPID ambassadors” for sharing main highlights of their visit to the “success story” among their peer primary producers (level 2),
  • Carrying out interactive dissemination & communication engaging other target audiences (levels 3&4).

Focus will be put on mobilisation of female and young producers as having a great potential to innovate yet being underrepresented in the primary production sector.
Recommendations for primary producers, policy-makers and academia & research will be elaborated, fostering better understanding of different perspectives on bioeconomy, having a significant impact on a wide bioeconomy deployment in primary production, reaching a broad audience (estimated at 9,500 stakeholders).


Juan Sagarna



 FOEBE project

 FOEBE project

Project concluded


FOEBE project is funded by the Erasmus+ programme. It aims at equipping bioeconomy students with sustainable entrepreneurship skills to speed up the European expansion of the bioeconomy sector.

It is a European Union; Erasmus+ project which runs from September 2020 – August 2023 and is coordinated by AgroParisTech, France.

Bioeconomy is a key strategy for the European Union, whose thorough deployment is a prerequisite for the success of the Green Deal. This new, systemic approach, which includes different economic sectors and is based on circularity and sustainability principles, requires a paradigm shift in both training curricula and pedagogical practices to equip young professionals with sustainable entrepreneurship skills. Those will be instrumental to the advent of the bioeconomy as novel, out-of-the-box environmental-friendly and economically sound solutions are needed.

Current entrepreneurship training programmes are not tailored to the needs of the bioeconomy sector, which hampers its development potential. Furthermore, there is a lack of a European approach in this respect, despite bioeconomy appearing high on the policy agenda. Also, jointly developing content at the EU level would enable students (i.e., entrepreneurs to be) to have a vision encompassing all dimensions of the bioeconomy in such context.


Benoit Gabrielle
Professor, AgroParisTech
Project coordinator


 BRANCHES project

 BRANCHES project

Project concluded


BRANCHES aims to implement the implementation of new cost-effective technologies; mobilize more biomass and create innovative business opportunities in rural areas by improving and strengthening the links between bioeconomy practice and science. The project will ensure communication through the two-way flow of information for the transfer of ideas and technologies between scientists and professionals from agriculture and forestry in rural areas. The valuable knowledge produced by research and development should always be shared far beyond the scientific community.

BRANCHES will integrate selected knowledge on forest and agricultural biomass supply chains with available innovative technologies and best practice cases for bioeconomy solutions with bioenergy conversion systems in a wider bioeconomy context. In all EU countries, existing strategies and best available technologies will be presented in easily understandable formats through the national thematic networks launched by BRANCHES. The results of cooperation between national thematic networks are expected to have a widespread impact on professionals in European rural settings.

  • summarize, share and deliver existing best practices and research findings;
  • increase the implementation of new cost-effective technologies;
  • mobilize more biomass and generate new business opportunities in rural areas by improving and strengthening the link between practice and science of the bio-based economy;
  • trigger information flows on new opportunities and technologies for farmers and forestry operators;
  • highlighting the entrepreneurial needs and elements relevant to professionals by gathering experiences from research and development and collecting practices implemented by professionals;
  • Promote the bioeconomy and rural development through new bio-based initiatives through networking and participatory research methods to showcase best practices and cost-effective technological solutions.
Key tools
  • Selected knowledge on forest and agricultural biomass supply chains will be integrated with good practice cases and new technologies available for bioenergy conversion in a broader bioeconomy context;
  • The requests and needs of professionals will be collected through a series of workshops and meetings;
  • In all EU countries, existing strategies and best available technologies will be summarized and shared across five project countries (Finland, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain).
  • Thematic networks will be launched by BRANCHES and 5 other collaborative networks established in Portugal, Lithuania, Latvia, Czech Republic, Slovakia.

Sofia Manelli

 SMARTBOX project

 SMARTBOX project

Project concluded

Selective Modifications of ARomatics through Biocatalytic Oxidations

Relying on the advanced engineering platform, SMARTBOX will develop the one-enzyme conversion of HMF into FDCA and intermediates, and the one-enzyme conversion of lignin monomers into a potential biobased building block for polycarbonates and vanillin. By adopting a 1-enzyme FDCA production process, the associated production costs and carbon footprint are expected to decrease significantly compared to SOTA chemical oxidation methods. The unique feature of SMARTBOX is that reductive catalytic fractionation (RCF) will be used to selectively produce specific lignin monomers from biomass in near theoretical yields. The structural similarity of the resulting monomers with the SMARTBOX building blocks allows the development of high-yielding processes with only one enzyme. Due to the smart combination between oxidative biocatalysis and RCF, the production of added-value bio-aromatics will proceed with higher yields than the state of the art.


Tanja Meyer
SMARTBOX Coordinator
Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant


Founding source: BBIJU Research & Innovation Action

Talent4BBI project

Talent4BBI project

This project ends on: 31/08/2026

Talent4BBI, the first industry led PhD MSCA programme is being led by BiOrbic, the Bioeconomy SFI Research Centre located in University College Dublin (UCD). Talent4BBI brings together 10 industry and 7 academic partners across 8 Member States and 1 Associated Country with the aim of training a cohort of 11 highly skilled industry-ready ESRs equipped to lead the future of the European bio-based industry sector. The programme provides a unique opportunity for Early-Stage Researchers (ESRs) to develop key skills, competencies and experience required by the bio-based industries through a targeted programme for future bioeconomy leaders. During the 60-month programme duration, the 11 ESRs will undertake PhDs of 48 months cohosted by industry and academia. The ESRs will be recruited and co-hosted by a consortium of 16 partners across 8 Member States and 1 Associated Country (7 universities and 9 leading bio-based industries) with a wealth of collective experience in training talented mobile researchers. 3 additional industry partners will also contribute their expertise to the PhD training programme.

The programme structure offers a unique opportunity for graduates to thrive in an industrial and academic research setting and enhance the ESR career opportunities in line with the MSCA COFUND work programme objectives.

Talent4BBI’s selection process will be guided by principles of openness, transparency, merit, impartiality, and equality for the ESRs. Talent4BBI will impact the European Research Area through developing a uniquely qualified and career-driven talent pool, driving effective cooperation between industry and academia, and boosting the development of bio-based industries.


Prof. Kevin O’Connor – Programme coordinator
Cathy Quinn – Programme manager


Founding source: Talent4BBI project is cofounded by H2020-EU.1.3.4., H2020-EU.1.3.


 BeUBio project

 BeUBio project

Project concluded

BeUBio – targeting youth in the Baltic Sea Region for the SDG:s and Bioeconomy

This platform was designed to collect stories of young people whose business ideas, jobs and other activities lead the way towards a different and more sustainable economic path. With a variety of different examples, young people from across the Baltic Sea Region, inspire new ways of making business while having a positive impact to the environment and society. The overall aim is to build a community of like-minded people, by sharing our stories and inspiring each other.

This initiative comes from the BeUBio project, a collaboration between different partners across the Baltic Sea Region pushing for youth participation in the transition to a bio-based economy, and create synergies with other actors and initiatives addressing the SDGs.


Swedish Board of Agriculture:
Fredric Nilsson,
Hans-Olof Stålgren,

Nordic Council of Ministers Lithuania:
Helén Nilsson,
Lina Janusauskine,

Client: The Swedish Institute


 Bioeconomy Ventures project

 Bioeconomy Ventures project

Project concluded

Boosting European bioeconomy start-ups

The European Bioeconomy Strategy aims to accelerate the deployment of a sustainable European bioeconomy, which includes food security, the sustainability of natural resources, and reduced dependence on non-renewables. The EU-funded BioeconomyVentures project will develop a reference platform for bioeconomy-based start-ups and spin-offs seeking to gain access to finance. The platform will serve as a main meeting point for the bioeconomy entrepreneurship field. It is part of the project’s overall goal of building a first of its kind bioeconomy entrepreneurship ecosystem, boosted by the BioeconomyVentures Ambassadors Programme. It will also create an assessment methodology to qualify and quantify the needs of the start-ups and spin-offs though the BioeconomyVentures evaluation matrix.


Filippo Giancarlo Martinelli (MBA, PDEng, MSc):
European Ambassador at Irish Bioeconomy Foundation (IBF) and coordinator of the BioeconomyVentures BBI CSA Project

Founding source: BioeconomyVentures project is cofounded by H2020-EU.2.1.4. H2020-EU.3.2. H2020-EU.3.2.6.


 BIOBEC project

 BIOBEC project

Project concluded

Preparing the creation of Bio-Based Education Centres to meet industry needs and boost the contribution of the bioeconomy to societal challenges

Unlocking the full potential of the bioeconomy and its value chains requires a systematic and collaborative perspective for) the development of new skills, educational approaches and organisational solutions to provide education and training services.
The aim of the BIObec project is to develop a holistic framework for multi-level Bio-Based Education Centers (BBEC) flexible enough to answer the present and future needs of the industry and of the surrounding ecosystem at local, regional, national and/or international levels.
The project will design 6 BBEC pilots assuring a wide geographical coverage in Europe and addressing different topics linked to the variety of value chains and institutional contexts (vocational to university level, primary producers, processors, SMEs to MNCs).
BIOBEC will clarify the needs of the different regional ecosystems and will provide detailed design, economic and financial assessment, governance plans for the educational training centres, as well as plans for life-long-learning programmes. It will also develop collaborative tools to maximize the synergies between them at the European and international level.
The project will mobilise a network of 19 partners, which are leaders in Bioeconomy Education from different perspectives (ranging from academia to industry) together with a wide network of Implementation and Replication Working Groups and local stakeholders based in the EU. This network will pave the way for implementation and replication of the BBEC, in order to boost the contribution of the education sector for the development of the bioeconomy.


Davide Viaggi:

Founding source: BIOBEC is cofounded by H2020-EU.2.1.4. H2020-EU.3.2. H2020-EU.3.2.6.

 WeReLaNa project

 WeReLaNa project

Project concluded

Value creation networks for the use of residues in and from agriculture and the food industry as an innovation engine for the bioeconomy

Project Objective

The overarching goal of the “WeReLaNa” project is to open up innovation spaces for the use of residues from agriculture and the food industry – initially in the project region of Upper Franconia, but taking into account transfer potentials for the whole of Bavaria – as well as the networking of stakeholders along the relevant value chains or networks.

In keeping with the cross-sectoral character of the bioeconomy, the three project partners Chemie-Cluster Bayern, Cluster Ernährung and Umweltcluster Bayern bundle their knowledge and address a concrete, cross-cluster innovation topic. Through the exchange of know-how from the recycling and chemical industries to agriculture and the food industry, companies are sensitized to the topic of bioeconomy and bio-based business models and processes. The involvement of cluster members and other stakeholders is intended to contribute to the emergence of new, cross-industry value creation networks. A constant exchange with other Bavarian networks, committees, institutes and research institutions also plays an important role here.

The basis for networking and tapping innovation potential is the creation of an information and data basis. In addition, “meeting opportunities” are to be created for actors in this area, in which innovations are initiated, new business areas are opened up and the relations between Bavarian business and science are strengthened through the transfer of technology and know-how in Bavaria as an innovation location or new cooperations are initiated.

Furthermore, the project pursues the goal of raising awareness of the topic of bioeconomy across industries with a specific focus on residues with special consideration of sustainability aspects. Thus, the project not only contributes significantly to the implementation of the Bavarian bioeconomy strategy, but also contributes to the achievement of the Bavarian climate goals by identifying circular potentials (e.g. in the field of resource conservation or energy generation).


Mapping of material flows of biogenic residues and actors

At the beginning of the project, an overview of relevant residues and actors in Bavaria, especially in the area of Upper Franconia, is to be gained on the basis of existing tools and platforms – as a basis for the selection of best practices and to create networking potential.

Best Practices

One focus of the project is therefore on the identification of best practices that recycle residual materials particularly efficiently and ecologically advantageously, i.e. on approaches that focus on the up- or recycling of residual materials and take into account the criteria of sustainability and recyclability. By pointing out concrete innovation and savings potentials as well as new, cross-industry business models, the Bavarian agriculture and food industry is strengthened.

The aim is to network relevant actors with each other and thus to initiate cross-industry innovation projects and to accompany these and potential follow-up projects.

Evaluation of the digital commodity exchange

In the cross-cluster project, the Digital Raw Materials Exchange* for sustainable raw materials will be evaluated with regard to resource-conserving value creation networks during the project period and the possibilities and limits of this online tool for the intersectoral use and generation of new, cross-industry value chains will be evaluated.

*The Digital Commodity Exchange was developed by the Competence Center for Nutrition and the Research Institute of the Free State of Bavaria for software-intensive systems and services and funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry.


Marco Geiger, M.Sc.:

Founding source:

WeReLaNa is cofounded by the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy.
