Author: John Vos

Support 3-CO project by informing us about interesting social innovations in the bioeconomy and beyond!

Support 3-CO project by informing us about interesting social innovations in the bioeconomy and beyond!

Short survey on Social Innovations

The 3-CO project is looking for anyone’s support to develop a list of beneficial social innovations in various sectors, ideally in the bioeconomy, with a large geographic spread. These will be included as best practice examples in three brochures that will be communicated to consumers and civil society, private businesses and public bodies to support the switch towards socially and environmentally responsible behavior. Based on your contribution 3-CO will also develop policy recommendations on social measures to support better-informed decision-making processes, social engagement, and innovation.

What exactly is social innovation and how does it support sustainability and social change?

3-CO defines Social Innovations (SI) as new ideas (products, services, new organizations and models) that simultaneously meet social needs (more effectively than alternatives), create new social relationships or collaborations, and foster sustainable consumption and production patterns.

Typical examples for SI include non-profit projects such as upcycling/recycling/waste collection initiatives, sharing or donation of goods or food, mutual aid, open-source software, or business initiatives/social enterprises, fair trade companies, social impact bonds. For more examples, check the 3-CO article on social innovation here.

It takes only a couple of minutes to complete this survey. Thank you for your participation and support!

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Learning about bioeconomy: Make it fun, make it easier

Learning about bioeconomy: Make it fun, make it easier

The European project AllThings.BioPRO. is proud to present the release of its serious game and label app. The game is available in English, German, Dutch and Italian.

The mission of the ‘serious game’ is to save the Earth by turning our lifestyle from fossil-based to bio-based. “The term ‘serious game‘ might sound as if there is no fun in it, but ‘serious’ refers more to the topics covered, and means that they are worth discovering,” says project coordinator, Valerie Sartorius. Called “Mission BioHero”, and available online for both Android’s and iOs users, the game owes its name to the challenge that we are invited to take up. “We play the role of a kind of an alien coming to destroy our planet, but then it changes its mind and decides that it’s worth being a hero and helping humanity rescue it,” explains Sartorius.

Mission BioHero is structured into eight ‘missions’, related to topics such as bio-based packaging, greenwashing, or products’ end-of-life. “We are challenged to answer quizzes and accomplish real tasks in our everyday life, like going to our wardrobe and scanning the labels of our clothes, to check out what they are made of, and if they are bio-based,” explains Sartorius. And since it is so easy to get confused, the project also launched a smartphone application called “Label Bio-Hero, on PlayStores and  AppStores. “It is first of all meant to help people understand which labels to trust and what they stand for. It basically helps the user find their way in their vast universe, to spot which products are really biodegradable and bio-based,” Sartorius says.

More information

Read the full article here

Any questions? Send an email to Valerie Sartorius,

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PITCH PERFECT and Boost the European Bioeconomy 2023

PITCH PERFECT and Boost the European Bioeconomy 2023


Click here to view and download the event programme

This cross-border pitching, matchmaking and networking event brings together the networks of  eight innovation platforms: Pilots4U, Bio Base Connect, The ProteInn Club, BioeconomyVentures, Planet, ShapingBio, Waste2Func and Tech4Biowaste.

As such, we can guarantee a diverse attendance reaching from SMEs, start-ups, scale-ups, large companies/corporates, investors, research organisations, technology providers to organisations offering relevant innovation services such as access to finance, scale-up trials, application testing, business plan writing, feedstock analysis, life cycle assessment, social acceptance, etc.

Pitching & Call for Pitch Abstracts

Participants are invited to submit a pitch application for a 7 minute pitch. As we are organising 9 pitch sessions of 90 minutes each, we are looking for at least 99 inspiring pitches. Not to exclude any interesting developments, pitch categories are not defined upon registration but should be relevant for further development of the bioeconomy.

Pitch applications can be done online via this link (submission form at the bottom of the page). Pitch application can be submitted until Tuesday 4 July 2023 at midnight the latest.


The matchmaking are one-on-one meetings of 20 minutes arranged around 25 matchmaking tables aimed at finding new business partners. The scheduling of these meetings will be supported by an online matchmaking system, easy to use on a smartphone or laptop. The matchmaking tool will be activated by 1 September 2023.


A registration fee of € 149 (excl. VAT) per participant will be charged, which covers:

  • participation to all the event activities (pitching, matchmaking, networking)
  • coffee breaks and lunch
  • a closing networking drink.

To register use this link

More information

More info at this link.

Any questions? Send an email to For questions about the BioeconomyVentures Sessions, send an email to Aleksandar Zobec, For questions about the matchmaking send an email to


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The Tech4Biowaste Database. Available now. To everyone. For free. Check our recorded webinar.

The Tech4Biowaste Database. Available now. To everyone. For free. Check our recorded webinar.

On 30 March 2023 the Tech4Biowaste project team hosted a one-hour webinar explaining all the ins and outs of the brand new Tech4Biowaste Database. The first and only open-source database for biowaste conversion technologies.

The webinar takes you on a journey through the database, as well as along its technology owners and users. Is your technology not represented yet? The webinar show you how to add it.

450 persons registered to the webinar. Should you nonetheless have missed it, the webinar was recorded and can be re-viewed via the following link: Feel free to pass this link on to other people with an interest in biowaste conversion technologies.

In the meantime, the consortium stays available to answer any questions and/or to assist in adding your technology to the database. Just get in touch via

The Tech4Biowaste database and all related information and (tutorial) videos are accessible via our website

From date
The Tech4Biowaste Database. Available now. To everyone. For free. Check it out during our webinar.

The Tech4Biowaste Database. Available now. To everyone. For free. Check it out during our webinar.

The Tech4Biowaste project team kindly invites you to attend our free one-hour webinar explaining all the ins and outs of the brand new Tech4Biowaste Database. This webinar is scheduled for 30 March 2023 from 10:00–11:15 CET, you can register via the following link:

The Tech4Biowaste database is the first and only open-source database for biowaste conversion technologies. Grab this unique, free and online opportunity to check it out under the guidance of its creators. We will take you on a journey through the database, as well as along its technology owners and users. Is your technology already represented? No? Then we will show you how to add it. Furthermore, the Tech4Biowaste project consortium will answer your questions live during the Q&A session.

Really curious and/or a little impatient? Have a pre-webinar appetizer and watch our 2-min. video here:

See you on 30 March!

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HYBRID EVENT – Allthings.bioPRO Data Value Labs

HYBRID EVENT – Allthings.bioPRO Data Value Labs

The Allthings.bioPRO project is developing a serious game and a mobile app to enable citizens to learn and to express their interests and preferences about bio-based products. Ultimately, these tools will generate data and insights for stakeholders to boost the bioeconomy.

We believe that these data and insights could be interesting for you! Curious to find out more? Our Data Value Labs offer an opportunity for you to engage in an interactive and in-depth discussion on how these outputs could be of value for your work as policymaker, researcher, industry actor or civil society organisation in the bioeconomy field.

Each of our  in-person data labs focusses on one of the Allthings.bioPRO mission themes:

  • Kids & schools – Wednesday 27th April 2022, 14-16 CET (details available here)
  • Food packaging – Thursday 28th April 2022, 10-12 CET  (detailes available here)
  • Fashion & textiles – Thursday 28th April 2022, 14-16 CET (details available here)
  • Jobs & careers – Friday 29th April 2022, 10-12 CET (details available here)

The format of our event has been changed, from in-version to hybrid, allowing stakeholders from outside the ‘EU bubble’ as well to attend one / multiple sessions online.

Please note that 1) the workshops will be held in English and 2) that participants should be potential users of the data coming out of the game and app (i.e. policymakers, industry actors, civil society organisations, researchers, media, etc.), and not as such the users of the game or app itself (i.e. citizens / consumers).

If you wish to participate, please fill in the registration form by 15 April 2022 to secure your participation.

Register for the event

In case of any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to reach out to the organising team at Prospex Institute via Michiel Dewagtere or Amanda Oliveira Puerari

Online: details will follow after registration
At location: NH Hotel Brussels – EU Berlaymont, Boulevard Charlemagne – Karel de Grotelaan 11-19, 1000 Brussels.

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Get Your Technology out of the Dark

Get Your Technology out of the Dark

The Tech4Biowaste project finalised the backbone of a biowaste valorisation technology database ( It contains basic information on established as well as emerging technologies to convert food processing waste, organic municipal waste, and garden waste into valuable products.

With the backbone of the database now in place, we call on biowaste technology providers and their representatives to help us populate the database with company profiles and technology-specific details. We are on the hunt for innovators that want to promote their technology and help us make the database richer and more relevant, also in the long run.

Are you a start-up, a spinoff, a smaller or larger company? Do you want your biowaste technology (established or emerging) to be included in the database? This is how you can get in touch with us:

Join our Tech4Biowaste webinar on Monday 21 March, 11:00 – 11:45 CET, where we will present the database for the first time. Registration for the webinar:

Join one of the Tech4Biowaste online coaching sessions, where we will support you adding your technology to the database. The first series of coaching sessions are planned for:

  • Monday 21 March, starting at 14:00.
  • Monday 4 April starting at 14:00.
  • Tuesday 19 April, starting at 14:00.

To register for the online coaching, or in case you have a question, please send a short email to


This Tech4Biowaste project has received funding from the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (JU) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101023200. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and the Bio-based Industries Consortium.

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