INNOVATION CALL: Dinex Finland Ltd. wants you solution! 📣

Welcome to BioTalks!
Farm management – supporting the sustainability of farming and environment 25.03.2022 at 10.00 – 12.00 EET!
BioTalks is a webinar series by the bio-business accelerator BioPaavo! Each BioTalks webinar has a different topic and the aim is to network with like-minded people, share ideas and perhaps start something new. This time we talk about sustainable and profitable farming!
More information:
Register her by the 24th of March:
#bioeconomy #farming #foodproduction #biopaavo
Two transnational hackathons by BioPaavo – Gather a team and enroll now!
What is a hackathon? Find out from here!
Kemira Plc is the world’s leading manufacturer of sustainable chemical solutions for water-intensive industries. It focuses on the pulp and paper, oil and gas industries and water treatment. In 2020, Kemira’s net sales were approximately EUR 2.4 billion and the number of employees was approximately EUR 5,000. Kemira’s shares are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd. Sustainability is an essential part of Kemira’s strategy and value creation for customers.
BioPaavo and Kasvu Open, in cooperation with Kemira Oyj, are opening a hackathon that aims to find solutions to promote the availability of renewable raw materials and green transition in chemical industry. Hackathon aims to highlight the opportunities offered by digitalization and platform solutions to build new business models and concepts that support the green transition of chemical industry.
Hackathon is open to all interested parties: companies, research institutes, educational organizations and students, as well as other actors. Your team can be made up of representatives of your organization, or you can form a team that crosses organizational boundaries for this very challenge!
Why participate?
More information (inc. registration): KemiraHackathon – JAMK and from:
Senior Expert Annimari Lehtomäki, BioPaavo,
tel. +358 50 464 2563
Valtra Inc. is the leading manufacturer and service provider for agricultural tractors in the Nordic countries. Valtra tractors are known for their ease of use, versatility and durability. Tractors designed for individual needs are used by precision farmers using new technologies, agricultural contractors and professionals using more traditional mechanical machines.
BioPaavo and Kasvu Open, in cooperation with Valtra Inc., are opening a Hackathon that aims to find solutions that can provide added value to the end customer from the data generated by the working machines, hence contributing to digitalization, knowledge-based management, real-time data-based decision-making and profitability of sustainable food production and primary production in the food chain. Hackathon aims to highlight the potential of advanced algorithmics and software development to utilize the data generated by working machines and to develop new applications that improve end-user’s situational awareness.
Hackathon is open to all interested parties: companies, research institutes, educational organizations and students, as well as other actors. Your team can be made up of representatives of your organization, or you can form a team that crosses organizational boundaries for this very challenge!
Why participate?
More information (inc. registration): ValtraHackathon – JAMK and from:
Senior Expert Annimari Lehtomäki, BioPaavo,
tel. +358 50 464 2563
21 .01 .2022 AT 10:00 – 12:00 EET
The need for an effective DIH (digital innovation hub) for Smart Farming? What are the best ways for co-operation? Which kind of practices could also serve you?
In our first BioTalks webinar we come together to discuss these questions by reflecting the vision built by the Smart Farming team of JAMK Institute of Bioeconomy.
More information:
Biobord network: Digital Forestry – joint agenda
Second joint agenda of the Biobord network is now out! The second agenda, improving performance by facilitating innovations closing digital gaps and streamlining data-use (in the forestbased value chain), focuses to solve the wicked problem of the industry, recognized by the three partner regions of the ConnectedByBiobord -project:
” The digital value chain in the forest industry does not have a continuous flow of information: The potential for increased economic, social, and environmental sustainability is significant. The technical solutions for data collection, storage and sharing are largely developed or under development. Many actors seek to solve the technical challenges associated with the gaps in the digital value chain, while the organizational challenges remain unresolved. This is the wicked problem in the digital value chain of forestry. ” – Technology report of the Forest Group, ConnectedByBiobord.
Involved partners are:
Norwegian Wood Cluster (Tretorget)
Paper Province
JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Institute of Bioeconomy, and ICT Institute
Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Please find the joint agenda canvas, and supporting Technology Analysis -report from here:
If you are interest to join us to solve this wicked problem, don’t hesitate to contact us!
Riikka Kumpulainen
Project Manager RDI2CluB & ConnectedByBiobord, network secretary of Biobord network
Phone & Whatsapp +358 505759454
The innovation process guide is a practical handbook for planning and organizing innovation processes that connect different stakeholders to a co-creation dialogue. The innovation process is built on an iterative process involving 3 phases:
1) Co-learning (definition of problems and solutions);
2) Co-design (testing, piloting, validating solutions); and
3) Co-effectuate (analyzing viability, desirability, and feasibility).
In each step, a strong stakeholder dialogue is necessary.
The framework for our innovation process builds on the expertise of Krinova Incubators and Science Park with regards to the innovation process and on the expertise of JAMK University of Applied Sciences with regards to organizing collaborative learning and co-creation dialogue online. This expertise was applied in three innovation pilots implemented in ConnectedByBiobord -project during spring 2021.
The innovation pilots connected expert teams and stakeholders from at least three regions and countries to work together on defining and solving innovation challenges in the field of bioeconomy. All co-working took place completely online. The guide elaborates on the experiences of these practitioners when applying the innovation process and selected working methods for creative co-working in international teams and for building stakeholder dialogue in online setting.
In the guide, we present the steps of an international innovation process and the co-learning approaches implemented in the three innovation pilots. Finally, we introduce some of our working methods in detail – hackathon, field demonstration and the Joint Agenda Canvas. The working methods are presented with checklists for organizers compiled based on the pilot experiences. The working methods are defined with special consideration to the cross-cultural and cross-sectoral communication, as well as the online settings.
All Biobord Network Partner Guides are available at
Download the innovation process guide here: Biobord Partner Guide 3: Innovation Process
Innovation guide is a tool for us in the Biobord Network that supports planning and implementing future co-operation initiatives and projects as well as the co-working on our joint agendas. Furthermore, the guide offers practically applicable insights for innovation actors from the fields of academy, policy, and business.
We hope you enjoy taking part in our innovation journey and are inspired to start planning international innovation co-operation with us!
The currently applied methods for monitoring the populations of wild animals and free-ranging livestock are time and cost intensive. That limits the opportunities for effective monitoring and data-based decision making in wildlife management and connected business areas, such as forestry, agriculture, and recreational hunting. New technologies such as drone-based remote sensing can help to improve evidence-based decision making and allow co-operation opportunities for sustainable management of animal populations.
As part of the ConnectedByBiobord project, four partner organizations from Latvia, Finland, Norway, and Poland joined their forces to develop an innovative, technology-based approach for the detection and monitoring of wild animals and free-ranging livestock.
The video documents the main challenges tackled with the help of technologies, the obtained results and the most important lessons learnt – . Based on this experience, the partners have developed a plan for further cooperation to continue exploring and exploiting the technological capabilities for more sustainable management of natural resources. If you find this theme and our ideas interesting, do not hesitate to contact the Biobord network.
For more information about the ConnectedByBiobord project and the Biobord network, please refer to
Transnational forest data hackathon, Forest Hack by Biobord, took place 13.04. – 14.04.2021 and gathered together 9 forest, technology and data management organizations from Finland, Sweden and Norway to co-create and network. The aim of the event was to establish joint initiatives (such as projects) and find new business potentials from the forest value chain. Event was part of the forest innovation pilot of Interreg BSR and EUSBSR -project ConnectedByBiobord (capacity for innovation).
Co-creation of experts
Forest Hack by Biobord was supported by sectoral agency Finnish Forest Centre that encouraged hackers for new data based solutions and use of new technologies within in the industry. What made this event different, was that most hackers were the experts of the industry and instead of coaching, event relied strongly to co-creation. Co-creation was supported with excellent keynotes from Jussi Lappalainen – Finnish Forest Centre and Sverker Danielsson – Mistra Digital Forest. Both keynotes painted the picture of current digitalization of the industry, as well as inspired for new innovations.
Accurate data and tracing quality as challenges
Two challenges were selected for hacking;
First challenge was solved in a transnational context between JAMK University of Applied Sciences (FI), TerraNor Kartanalyse (NO), Swedish Forest Agency (SWE), Glommen Mjøsen Skog (NO), PRO Civis (PL) and Luavia Ltd (FI). A digital forestry lab was seen as a potential solution for more detailed and accurate data from forest.
Second challenge was solved in a Swedish-Norwegian team, consisting of FeltGis Ltd. (NO), Fiskarhedens Trävaru Ltd (SWE), Tretorget Ltd (NO), PRO Civis (PL), Taigatech Ltd (SWE), Sør-Hedmark Næringshage (NO), Paper Province (SWE) and Kristiania University College (SWE). Their solution was a joint data platform for accurate data from forest and for better tracing quality for increased value creation.
Transnational co-operation as a result
Next step of the process is project planning between hackers. Several regional, national and transnational discussions and research are needed before funding can be applied but the most important step of finding joint understanding, has been established. Forest Hack by Biobord built a strong basis for the stakeholder co-operation and started, hopefully, a long joint journey towards more efficient and valuable forestry!
If you are interested, find us from Biobord!
Food Hack by Biobord – international on-line food innovation development workshop and competition – took place 11.03. – 12.03.2021, for two days gathering 6 experts and 13 companies from Sweden, Latvia, Finland, and Estonia to address several specific challenges and develop new products in the field of alternative proteins and functional foods by working in international teams.
Inspiring presentations from experienced experts
The event was filled with inspirational presentations from multiple experts. “Is food only food when you eat it?” by the eating designer Marije Vogelzang (NL) gave several innovative examples of how food can be seen from multiple, more irrational angles, making the experience of food consumption different for each one of us by changing the narrative of different products. Reetta Kivelä, Professor of Practice in University of Helsinki (FI), raised the question “Are we living in a protein boom?”. “Green, blue and red. Exploring alternative proteins and novel foods” was presented by Viktoria Olsson, Senior lecturer, Food & Meal Science at Kristianstad University (SE). Eila Järvenpää, Senior Scientist in Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) gave an insight on diversifying protein sources and their benefits on each of us and our planet. Mari Jaakkola, Project Manager at University of Oulu, Kajaani University Consortium, Unit of Measurement Technology (MITY) (FI), introduced several alternative ways of Lingonberry utilization, as well as fermentation, protein research and special sample treatment techniques. “Global market trends in organic functional proteins and ingredients” was presented by Erkki Pöytäniemi, CEO of Kurmakka Organic Food Ltd. (FI)
The hacking process and results
The teams had a rather difficult task – to solve the challenges and come up with new ideas in the field of alternative proteins and functional foods. Each group were given a possibility to receive a 30-minute consultation from the external experts/coaches, to better understand the right direction towards a solution which was then evaluated by a team of jury.
The challenge “Finding new and different strategies for marketing healthy and nutritious food” was solved by representatives from Aloja-Starkelsen (LV), the largest producer of potato starch in the Baltic states, as well as one of the largest producers of organic potato starch on a global scale; Felici (LV), developers of functional muesli, hot cereal and quick meal of high nutritional value, Ferla (EE), producer of fermented vegetable drink, The Kefir guy (FI), kefir producer and MTÜ Roheliselt Värske Elu (EE), promoters of organic production from small local farmers. The solution provided was based on the step-by-step changes by addressing the society on the benefits gained by plant-based diet.
To solve the challenge “Changing the perception of plant-based protein”, the second team, Suomen Hampputuotteet Oy (FI), investors in pure Finnish raw materials, Lipasu Oy/Härtelö (FI), producers of a new, sustainable base ingredient combined with beloved traditions, Aloja-Starkelsen and Felici, suggested showing the society how to easily cook tasty warm meals that replace animal-based meals and developing superior plant-based snacks by using urban advertising. “Changing the perception of plant-based proteins as an alternative to meat products is achieved through complex activities – the real product to offer, like Hemp-burger, brown pea chunks and fava bean ice cream as well as public education activities.”
The third team represented by GreenBite (EE), the first company in Estonia producing food from insects, BugBox (EE), producers of high-quality ecological and sustainable protein powder in large quantities as alternative to existing animal protein, and Tebrito (SE), sustainable and innovative insect product producers, worked on the challenge “Transforming the attitude towards new products including protein from insects and food”. The innovation of this group consisted of making a fun educational program “WISH to taste a bug?!” which would create interest to taking the first bite resulting in the insects as a regular and normal food.
The challenge “Exploration of new protein resources” gathered companies Lupinta (SE), producers of lupin-based products, MILZU! (LV), producer of a healthy cereal, which turns rye into a special meal, Fagraslätt (SE), organic food producers, Aloja-Starkelsen and Felici. The main factors in making their innovation were the challenges of increasing food waste, and fast-moving lifestyle which motivated the team in making an actual product prototype – plant based vegan pancake DIY, mix, consisting of beer leftovers, brown pea and fava bean protein called “Morning Heaven Magic Mix”. The benefits of this product would be convenient use and production, richness of organic plant-based protein and use of beer processing side-stream ingredients which decreases food waste and develops a more sustainable environment. The first actual product prototype was already developed during the hackathon.
When evaluating each team’s work, several jury criteria regarding the solution vs challenge, process, market potential, level of innovation and sustainability were taken into consideration. “We selected the winner based on the excellent and practical team-work and the process of utilizing all of the groups’ knowledge and local side-streams,” said the jury member when announcing the winner – group number four – developers of Morning Heaven Magic Mix product concept!
What happens next?
The follow-up workshop of the hackathon will take place on the 28th of April 2021 when Lupinta, MILZU!, Fagraslätt, Aloja-Starkelsen and Felici will have a chance to meet more experts and receive consultations to take their product innovation even further. Not only that, but the open part of the workshop will also include new key notes and great international networking possibilities. Follow us in Facebook for further updates: @BiobordPlatform
Food Hack by Biobord is a digital 24-hour long innovation competition hosted by the Interreg Baltic Sea Region project ConnectedbyBiobord, with a transnational team of experts and hackers. The ConnectedbyBiobord -project is working for building competitive transnational collaboration in unlocking new market opportunities within the bioeconomy field in the Baltic Sea Region. The theme of the competition is ”Alternative proteins and functional foods” and we have collected five challenges that are common for companies in the Baltic Sea region.
Functional foods: foods containing probiotics, prebiotics, or plant stanols and sterols. Functional foods, drinks, and ingredients that deliver additional or enhanced benefits over and above their basic nutritional value. They can also be fortified food products with a nutrient that would not usually be present to any great extent, like specific vitamins.
Alternative proteins: Alternative protein sources encompass variety of meat substitutes, including algae, mycoprotein, plant-based legumes and insects.
Food Hack by Biobord is an event where open innovation and the idea of everyone growing whilst sharing knowledge is core (if you do not want to share something – do not tell!). This means that everyone can claim the ideas or solutions that come up during the event and that everything you share with others will help to fulfill this purpose.
As a hacker you will work in teams with challenges, boosted by the latest research and experienced mentors. All in the spirit of open challenge driven innovation! You will be part of a team based on what challenge you are most interested in. The challenges are presented below. As a hacker you are part of the full program including inspiration sessions, meetings with experts in the field and taking part in the innovation competition. The program will be from Thursday, March 11th morning until Friday, March 12th afternoon. More detailed schedule will be sent to registered hackers at the end of February, together with additional information. Winning team of the Food Hack by Biobord will move on to a second innovation round and is able to develop their challenge-driven innovation even further with new experts and support. All participants leave the event with new transnational contacts and new knowledge, and who knows – with new innovations!
Make sure to register each participating member of your organization to this free event before 21.02.2021:
To succeed in our work of developing new products for alternative proteins or functional food and bring them all the way from first idea to finished product on the market, often with limited resources, we need to collaborate and network.
We must create a sustainable way of working long-term and sharing experiences and knowledge with each other. Working this way, we can speed up processes, learn from mistakes, create a consumer demand together and cut lead times. The objective is to bring our new high-quality products to the market more successfully and faster.
Exchange of technical expertise and creative ideas for marketing communication is a success factor for the future. All proposed challenges below are starting points for discussions regarding how to collaborate on common issues, obstacles, and possibilities, and how to benefit from each other’s knowledge and experience.
Please select top 3 challenges of your choice from the preference point of view (mark with 1 your preference no 1 and so on). Selection is done in the registration link.
Components of herbal plants and fungi are used as ingredients in the production of various fermented products. Companies are developing new malt-based fermented drinks, supplemented with plant and fungi based bioactive compounds to achieve various qualities for nutrition, energy boosting and health benefits. Bioactive compounds are extracted from plants and fungi, and the challenge is to maintain the nutritional value of these compounds and at the same time obtain products with taste quality that can be accepted by and appeal to consumers. This requires technical expertise – a knowledge that several companies could share.
Challenge: How can different stakeholders working on similar challenges share their knowledge and expertise in a creative and constructive way? What do the channels of information look like today and how can we improve them? In what way can we gain access to process and technology know-how? Today and in the future?
In order to grow production volumes to make niche products more attractive and affordable, companies dealing with food innovation in the fields of plant-based proteins, functional ingredients, and novel food sources, often face significant challenges. These range from understanding what exactly customers are looking for in plant-based products and functional food, the impact of ingredients and production processes on product microstructure and texture, proving the claimed benefits of healthiness and nutrition, and increasing the willingness of consumers to invest into sustainable future by starting to use alternative protein sources.
Today, marketing is all about finding your niche and building the platform where your voice will make a difference and can be heard. As it can be difficult for any SME, micro or start up business to enter and be a profitable player in any market, main or niche, companies need to be innovative to find, develop and be successful in their market of choice.
Challenge: What kind of marketing strategies, for example nudging, can be used to increase consumption of healthier and more nutritious innovative food products that are beneficial, attractive, and affordable, thus more sustainable for the planet, businesses and the individual? What technical solutions could benefit healthy food choices?
Developing new plant-based products can be quite difficult for small businesses, as a lot of research and testing needs to be done to find mutually supportive ingredients in terms of taste, texture, nutrients, and appearance. Product development of plant-based/alternative proteins often aim to produce foods that are “instead of meat” or “equal to meat”. Neither product development nor the marketing of these products has been particularly successful.
Plant based and alternative protein products could instead be a separate food group with their own interesting functions. Products can often be heavily processed and contain many food additives to make them more familiar or meat-like to consumers. It is in the interest of food producers, and even a market demand, to develop less processed foods and use local ingredients instead of X (X = coconut oil, sugar, glucose syrup and invert sugar solution or similar).
Innovation has focused on appealing to the presumed demands of meat eaters– but switching from eating meat to consuming other proteins is a harder step to take if these products are perceived as artificial and intensely processed.
Challenge: What strategies can be built to change our perception of plant-based proteins as a direct alternative to a particular dish (sausage, hamburger) and instead of modifying the structure of the product to see it as a stand-alone protein source? What would we call these products and how would they be marketed?
For several years, insects have been considered to be part of our sustainable diet in the future, and a strong contender among alternative protein sources. Countries have different regulations and laws regarding insects as human food, and this has led to differences in development of this protein source in the Baltic Sea region. In some countries the only way to sell insects for human consumption is to offer them as whole intact specimens, since their fragmentation into pure protein is not allowed. Despite companies’ extensive efforts to extract human food from insects, they have jointly faced tough challenges due to the abovementioned and cultural constraints and resistance, which has resulted in failure to reach a commercial market.
Various cooking methods and recipes have been explored to make novel food accepted by the public. Instead of focusing on processing and texture, it is time to explore how context and culture can have an impact on how we perceive insects as food.
Challenge: What would happen if we placed the insect food product in a different context (environment, tradition, or culture)? How do we design the “insect food experience” to attract new markets? What marketing strategies can be explored to design the insect food experience? In which context, tradition or culture could the insects fit in?
Protein rich legumes, for example beans and peas, and their side streams are used in the development of new protein rich products. Today companies produce or process these legumes, but as is the case with beans and peas, they are mainly used for protein extrusion or production of other end products like salted bean snacks.
Three main needs can be identified:
Challenge: What could be the new alternative protein sources? Where can we obtain knowledge about such raw materials and how should this information be made available?
Food Hack by Biobord teams will be formed as transnational teams, based on the participants’ challenge preferences. Composition of the teams will be announced at the start of the virtual hackathon event and teams will have 24h to hack the challenge of their choice, supported by experts in relevant fields. Experts will be selected according to the challenges, so the best possible help is at your disposal. Experts will be presented to the teams in the information package that is sent to all participants by the end of February/beginning of March. Teams will also have technical support and general guidance available during the day, from 08:00 – 17:00. An online meeting platform and co-working tools are also provided for the teams by the project coordinators, so hacking is possible even after office hours. All details will be specified in the information package.
For now, we are kindly asking you to:
In case of questions, do not hesitate to contact us:
Riikka Kumpulainen, project manager of ConnectedByBiobord +358 505759454
Elin Hansson, event coordinator and project partner / +46 738082061