Author: Selenia Marinelli

FAO bioeconomy visual assets now available in six languages

FAO bioeconomy visual assets now available in six languages

Bioeconomy for sustainable food and agriculture is one of 20 programme priority areas in the FAO Strategic Framework 2022–31.

But what is bioeconomy? And how can we explain the concept in an easy-to-understand way?

To address these questions, FAO has developed a suite of visual aids in all six UN languages, comprising a videobenefits of sustainable and circular bioeconomy infovisual, and sustainable and circular bioeconomy definition card.

These assets are perfect for promoting bioeconomy awareness on all major social media channels, while demonstrating FAO’s commitment to multilingualism. They encapsulate some of the core elements of a bioeconomy that balances food security and social and economic wellbeing with more responsible consumption and production and sustainable natural resource management.

The repository with all FAO’s bioeconomy assets can be found here.

At this page you can download all the graphics in different languages.

Additionally, you can download the FAO policy brief on Sustainable bioeconomy here.

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First EuBioNet workshop among projects in standardisation, certification, labelling and monitoring

First EuBioNet workshop among projects in standardisation, certification, labelling and monitoring

On February 14, 2023 the first Mobilisation and Mutual Learning workshop of the EuBioNet working group in “Standardisation, certification, labelling and monitoring” took place as a fruitful meeting organised under SUSTRACK project.

The event engaged 12 EU funded projects and 40 active participants in a discussion to facilitate networking, collaboration, share methodologies, lessons and plan future activities in order to maximise the joint efforts.

After a brief introduction by the main organisers and by Silvia Maltagliati, Policy Officer at the European Commission, DG RTD, the projects participating provided an overview of the main objectives, expected outcomes, sectors of interest and methodologies and tools.

During the second part of the workshop, the participants interacted with the collaborative online tool MIRO board to define opportunities for collaboration and an initial common action plan.

Are you a EU funded project working on Standardisation, certification, labelling and monitoring?
Join the EuBioNet working group! Write to Susanna Albertini –

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GenB Common Ground Camp on Bioeconomy education

GenB Common Ground Camp on Bioeconomy education

Are you a teacher, professor, formal or non-formal educator?
Are you interested in Bioeconomy education?

Join the GenB Common Ground Camp which will take place next Feb 21 – 22, 2023 from 8.00 CET/9:00 AM EET. First day is in hybrid format, second day there will be a co-creation workshop live in Athens.

Agenda and registration at this link.

This is a unique opportunity to exchange knowledge among formal and non-formal educators, for the future Generation Bioeconomy.

As part of the GenB project, the Hellenic Society for the Protection of Nature is conducting a two-day Common Ground Camp to promote bioeconomy practices in school settings and foster a future generation that is enthusiastic about bioeconomy and adopts more sustainable habits and lifestyles.

This participatory workshop will focus on the exchange of information, presentation of inspirational examples as well as the co-creation of innovative methods and approaches.

The Common Ground Camp is aimed at both formal and non-formal education communities (universities, education policymakers and regional authorities, school administrators, teachers, and other multipliers such as museums, science communicators, youth organizations, and community groups), as well as EU-funded projects/initiatives.

Through this workshop, we intend to raise awareness about the necessity of enhancing bioeconomy through educational settings, facilitate the sharing and adoption of best practices, and obtain new insights on teaching, learning, and spreading the word about bioeconomy.

The Common Ground Camp will consist of two sections:

  1. Keynote talks and presentation of inspirational practices
  2. Group work and co-creation

It is anticipated that by providing background information on the bioeconomy as well as examples of the innovative educational and awareness raising tools that have been developed so far in the framework of EU funded projects, fresh perspectives on how to teach, learn, and disseminate information about the bioeconomy will emerge.

The Common Ground Camp will take place in Athens, Greece on February 21st and 22nd, 2023, and will be held in English.

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Save the date for the CBE JU Stakeholder Forum

Save the date for the CBE JU Stakeholder Forum

CBE JU will organise the annual Stakeholder Forum, which will take place on 6-7 December 2023 in Brussels.

Book your agendas for this long-awaited opportunity to meet your peers and other members of the vast bioeconomy community, share experiences, and discuss the remaining challenges of the sector.

Registration will open later in the year and will be free for all stakeholders of the circular bio-based economy.

Follow the news about the forum on social media with #CBESF23 and register for the CBE JU newsletter to get updates about the event.

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Projects2Policy: Aligning outcomes from EU projects with the EU policy for bio-based and biodegradable plastics

Projects2Policy: Aligning outcomes from EU projects with the EU policy for bio-based and biodegradable plastics

On 23rd November from 10-12CET, Glaukos project, Bio-Plastics Europe, European Bioplastics Research Network (EBRN) and the  European Bioeconomy Network (EuBioNet) are organising the online workshop “Projects2Policy: Aligning outcomes from EU projects with the EU policy for bio-based and biodegradable plastics” to discuss about the outcomes stemming from the workshop organised on 3rd November, “Unlock the potential of bio-based and biodegradable plastics: challenges to be addressed, in order to facilitate their adoption in form of Actionable Knowledge for EU Policies.

Please find here the agenda.

The 3rd November workshop engaged around 70 active participants and 99 unique visitors joining the room throughout the event, representing more 51 projects and stakeholders in the bio-based plastics domain from 34 different Countries.

The open debate was structured along the following topics responding to specific requests of EC Policy Officers coming from different DGs and led to the collection of more than 220 contributions form relevant projects.

  • System perspective: LCA of Bio-based vs conventional plastics
  • End-of-Life options (biodegradability, ecotoxicity, recyclability, leakage, etc.)
  • Raising awareness, stakeholder engagement, collaboration and coordination
  • Projects’ contribution to EU policies




These two workshops, “Unlock the potential of bio-based and biodegradable plastics: challenges to be addressed” and “Projects2Policy: Aligning outcomes from EU projects with the EU policy for bio-based and biodegradable plastics” are built on the results stemming from the Glaukos Stakeholder Labs workshop “Tackling microplastics pollution: can biodegradable textile and coating be a solution?” and the 6th EBRN Event “Insights from 10 Horizon projects: EU policy for bio-based and biodegradable plastics”, which both took place last June 2022 and the aim was to prepare and summarise outputs from relevant projects in order to facilitate contribution to the EU policy.

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Busy week at Ecomondo for the Transition2BIO and EuBioNet people!

Busy week at Ecomondo for the Transition2BIO and EuBioNet people!

Busy week at Ecomondo for the Transition2BIO and EuBioNet people!

The week started with the speech “Addressing challenges to unlock bio-plastics potential: the contribution of EU-funded projects”, delivered by Susanna Albertini from FVA New Media Research during the Cluster meeting: Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe projects contributing to the EU Plastics Strategy organized by the European Research Executive Agency (REA), on the 8th of November, as part of the Glaukos Project and European Bioeconomy Network activities.

Recordings available here.

During the speech two innovative formats were presented:

  • Projects2Projects, facilitating collaboration and mutual learning among projects, that was validated in Brussels on the 5th of October in a workshop organized by the European Bioeconomy Network and the European Commission, involving more than 40 project promoting the circular bioeconomy.
  • Projects2Policy format, shortening the gap between EU funded projects and policies, facilitating the awareness and adoption of project’s results. The format is part of a series of workshops organized by Glaukos and Bio-Plastics Europe Projects, involving 49 projects and around 20 Policy Officers from different DGs. The last appointment is foreseen for the next 23th November.

On the 9th of November, during the conference session “Commit to the Mission Charter to contribute to a healthy “pollution free” MED, organized by Ecomondo Scientific Technical Committee, BlueMed GSOs, Federchimica-PlasticsEurope Italia, Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR), National Research Council of Italy (CNR), Susanna Albertini delivered the speech “Experiences from EU funded projects contributing to the Mission Charter for a healthy “pollution free” MED”. During the speech some good practices from Transition2Bio, Biovoices, the European Bioeconomy Network and Glaukos have been presented.

Recordings available here.

The workshop was an important opportunity to learn how Mediterranean projects and initiatives, but also industrial and policy actors, as well as NGOs and citizens can become active “Missioners”, sharing their activities and ambitions to support the Mission “Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030” by adhering to the Mission charter. John Bell, European Commission’s ‘Healthy Planet” Director, delivered a very inspirational talk about the vision and objectives of the Mission.

On 11th November, Serena Fabbrini from APRE presented the recently funded project GenB, aiming at inspiring, educating, involving and supporting the young generations to become the ambassadors of the circular bioeconomy in the European Commission area dedicated to EU funded projects. The book for kids “What’s Bioeconomy”, produced by the projects BIOVOICES and Transition2Bio was promoted as a good practice to engage the primary school students with these topics.

Finally FVA team, representing Transition2Bio and Glaukos, was involved in the expert focus group “Are Bio-based plastics the future for toy applications?”, organized by Alma Mater Studiorum-University of Bologna, in the context of Bio-Plastics Europe project and involving the most relevant stakeholders in bio-plastics and toys, to discuss is Bio-based and biodegradable plastics can be a suitable solution for the toys industry.

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The BIOSkills: the competences that will drive the transition

The BIOSkills: the competences that will drive the transition

The Commission has adopted its proposal to make 2023 the European Year of Skills, following the announcement by President Ursula von der Leyen in her 2022 State of the Union address. The green and digital transitions are opening up new opportunities for people and the EU economy.

In line with 2023 as European Year of Skills, Transition2BIO organises in hybrid format a full-day event organised in two sessions.
The event will take place next 2 December 2022 at Piazza Sassari 4, 00161 Roma – sala Conferenze and online.

Morning session

‘Future skills for Bioeconomy’ – Biobased products

Time: 09:30 – 11:30 CET
A co-creation workshop on ‘Future skills for Bioeconomy’ – Biobased products, which aims to identify the future skills and related educational needs in the European bioeconomy.

Target audience
The organisers encourage the participation of EU funded projects in bioeconomy education, EU and local institutions, universities, policymakers, private companies, associations, teachers, students, and whoever may be interested in or have something to say about the future skills and related educational needs to
build the future workforce of the European bioeconomy.
See the full Agenda here!


Afternoon session

The BIOSkills: the competences that will drive the transition

Time: 13:30 – 16:30 CET

The green and digital transitions are opening up new opportunities for people and the EU economy. Having the relevant skills empowers people to successfully navigate labour market changes and to fully engage in society and democracy.
This will ensure that nobody is left behind and the economic recovery as well as the green and digital transitions are socially fair and just. A workforce with the skills that are in demand also contributes to sustainable growth, leads to more innovation and improves companies’ competitiveness.

The Transition2BIO Project in the past 2 years delivered a set of capacity building activities for public authorities, teachers and students with a view to foster the implementation of bioeconomy strategies and the communication of bioeconomy to multiple target audiences.
To do so, a set of materials such as Transitio2BIO Toolkits and training modules have been developed and delivered by the project.
An overview of such materials, together with instructions on how to use them and hand them over to relevant stakeholders will be provided at the beginning of the event.
See the full Agenda here!

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EuBioNet annual MML workshop “Projects2projects” – outcomes and material

EuBioNet annual MML workshop “Projects2projects” – outcomes and material

The “Projects2Projects” workshop was organised by the European Bioeconomy Network, in collaboration with the European Commission and the projects Transition2Bio, BIOEASTsUP, BIObec and The event took place on 5 October 2022 at the EC Building CDMA, as satellite event of the High-Level EU Conference “Bioeconomy – Enabling the European Green Deal in Challenging Times”, held in Brussels on the 6 and 7 October 2022.

The workshop reached 76 registered participants and was finally able to reach around 60 attendees and involve 40 projects on stage and additional 9 projects participating. All the participants exploited the opportunity of having for the first time in the same room most of the relevant projects that will support the bioeconomy innovation ecosystem for the next years.

The workshop was a great success. The organisers received positive feedback from the participants highlighting the necessity of similar events to boost the collaborations among projects.

The outcomes of the “Projects2Projects” workshop were to:

  • Facilitate the awareness and exchange of inspirational good practices stemming from H2020 projects, as well as maximising the exploitation of lessons learnt and heritage of H2020 bioeconomy projects
  • Present the objectives of the newly funded Horizon Europe projects in bioeconomy
  • Facilitate collaboration among ongoing, concluded and recently funded projects.
  • Define common action plans to improve the quality and impact of projects’ activities for the next months.

In order to facilitate the discussion and map the different projects highlighting their main specificities and core purposes, all the participating projects were grouped according to four macroareas:







Each macroarea was introduced by the European Commission’s policy officers who provided the audience with the EC expectations to trigger the following discussion.
Specifically, Tomasz Calikowski (on behalf of Laura Varpina) introduced the Macroarea 1 and he also introduced the Macroarea 2, while Veera Tahvanainen introduced the Macroarea 3 and, finally, Giuseppe Pellegrino introduced the Macroarea 4.

The workshop was divided into two parts. The first one was specifically dedicated to brief presentations of success stories from H2020 projects, with a special focus on exploitable assets.
This part was followed by a walking brainstorming/networking and four thematic group discussions, during which the Horizon Europe projects had the chance to present their main objectives and expected outcomes through the projects’ fiches, collected in the posters dedicated to the different macroareas.

The thematic sessions, organised in thematic working groups, supported the networking and collaboration among the H2020 and the Horizon Europe projects with the objective of defining a common 2022/2023 action plan.

During the discussion, the following outcomes have been achieved:

  • facilitate the identification and connection with similar activities
  • enable the overview of who is doing what in the next months
  • avoid duplication of efforts (e.g. organisation of a workshop in the same topic in the same period)
  • maximise the impact and participants to events by joining efforts (e.g. co-organizing an event addressing similar topics from different perspectives)
  • facilitate the match between needs and offer (e.g. I’m organizing a conference, I look for speakers, good practices)

Below you can find useful links, collecting all the materials stemming from the workshop and ready to be downloaded.

Agenda of the workshop.

Key points from the introductory speeches delivered by the EC Policy Officers:

PPT presentations from H2020 and Horizon Europe Projects, aggregated per macroarea with useful links:

Projects’ fiches aggregated per macroarea, with all the contacts of all projects:

Main results of the thematic working group discussions:

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EuBioNet and Transition2BIO at the EU conference “Bioeconomy – Enabling the European Green Deal in Challenging Times”

EuBioNet and Transition2BIO at the EU conference “Bioeconomy – Enabling the European Green Deal in Challenging Times”

The EU conference “Bioeconomy – Enabling the European Green Deal in Challenging Times” took place on 6 and 7 October in Brussels. With around 1000 participants discussing the findings of the EU Bioeconomy Strategy Progress Report, the conference has set the tone for the next steps of the EU Bioeconomy Strategy!

The European Bioeconomy Network was invited by the EC to facilitate the collaboration among projects and initiatives in the dedicated EuBioNet corner where the posters with the outcomes of the “Projects2Projects” workshop were presented.

Transition2BIO played a great role during the Conference, distributing around 1000 copies of the book for kids “What’s Bioeconomy?”, in 10 different languages. The participants expressed their enthusiasm for the book that was presented also during a speech delivered by Chiara Pocaterra, coordinator of Transition2BIO and co-autor with Susanna Albertini of the book. The speech highlighted the importance of involving young generations to grow future citizens and decision-makers aware and interested on the circular bioeconomy.

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Talking about bioeconomy education: BIObec Implementation and Replication Working Group workshop

Talking about bioeconomy education: BIObec Implementation and Replication Working Group workshop

The BIObec project, funded by BBI JU under Horizon 2020, aims at leveraging education to unlock the full potential of the European bioeconomy, by building bridges between the bio-based industry and the education system.

The project is organising the 1st BIObec Implementation and Replication Working Group workshop which will take place online next 21 October 2022 from 10:00 to 11:30 CET.

You can find here the agenda.
To attend, please register at this link before 20 October at 12.00 pm CET

Additional details

BIObec concept merges the traditional idea of an education centre – such as a university or a vocational education and training centre – with that of a knowledge hub: the Bio-Based Education Centres (BBECs), which will act as multi-level knowledge hubs bridging the gaps between academic institutions, students, innovation entities and policymakers.

BIObec seeks to set the basis for the development of BBECs in six different European regions to answer the needs of the bio-based industry at local, regional, and national levels. These BBECs are expected to ensure a wide geographical coverage in Europe and address a wide range of topics linked to the variety of value chains and the different institutional contexts, paving the way for replication in other regions.

The core nucleus for the future implementation of the BBECs is the Implementation and Replication Working Group (IRWG), that will participate to project initiatives in the role of stakeholders and will facilitate the replication of the BIObec’s experience beyond the project’s efforts.

The IRWG members are local stakeholders, interested in implementing and replicating the BBECs experience in other EU Regions and countries by co-developing a roadmap applicable for potential additional BBECs across Europe.

The first IRWG workshop will:

– stimulate the discussion around bioeconomy education
– define a more integrated, connected and wider approach for the BBECs future implementation
– explore the opportunity to transfer and replicate the BBECs formats into additional territorial bioeconomy ecosystems
– engage additional IRWG members

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