Author: Selenia Marinelli

World Bioeconomy Roundtable on bioproducts

World Bioeconomy Roundtable on bioproducts

World Bioeconomy Roundtable: Bioproducts Around Us, discussing the role of wood construction in climate mitigation and as long lasting bioproducts.

The Roundtable will take place on the 10th of February 15:00 CET. Similar to previous roundtables it will be an online event held via Zoom Webinar. In order to participate to the event, you should register at the following link:

The roundtable will discuss and cover new solutions offered through wood construction and the latest trends and development on wood construction.

The international group of panellists come from four different continents to share their insights on this evolving sector. The roundtable will be moderated by Ludo Diels and hosted by Jukka Kantola and Matthias Zscheile.

The panellists include:

  • Ian De La Roche. Adjunct Professor, The University of British Columbia
  • Andrea Stocchero, Sustainable Architect, Portfolio Leader “Trees for High Value Wood Products” Scion
  • Bruno Gorrini, Principal Researcher in Bioforest, Arauco
  • Oliver Sterl, RLP Rüdiger Lainer + Partners
  • Daniel Meyer, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Member of the Executive Board, Lüchinger + Meyer
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EC public consultation on biobased, biodegradable and compostable plastics

EC public consultation on biobased, biodegradable and compostable plastics

The European Commission has launched a public consultation on biobased, biodegradable and compostable plastics. The consultation will provide insight for preparing a new policy framework on these groups of plastics. The aim of the new framework – a key deliverable of the European Green Deal and the Circular Economy Action Plan –  is to address emerging sustainability challenges related to the use of the biobased, biodegradable and compostable plastics and by driving innovation, enhancing investment certainty within the internal market and increasing environmental protection.

The consultation is published on the DG ENV website and is open for feedback for 8 weeks until 15 March 2022. The Commission services will take feedback into account when preparing the policy framework on biobased, biodegradable and compostable plastics, expected to be adopted in summer 2022.

For more information please visit this page.

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International Winter School Smart Feed

International Winter School Smart Feed

International Winter School Smart Feed – Digital edition – February 15, 23 and 24 2022
Promoted by the SMART FEED project – Sustainable Model for Agroenergy and Feed production by Urban Waste Recycling and Treatment – the INTERNATIONAL WINTER SCHOOL is granted by Cariplo Foundation and will take place online on February 15th, 23rd and 24th 2022. The school will provide academic lectures, success stories from the business world, business game training and will explore one of the core themes of the circular economy: the recovery of municipal solid waste to produce high added-value products, such as protein sources from insects and microalgae for sustainable feed.

Applications from Master’s graduates, PhD students or Post-Doc researchers are welcome from all countries.
Participation is free of charge.

To discover more about the programme and how to participate, visit the following page
or contact the mail

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The EuBioNet now counts 101 projects and initiatives promoting the bioeconomy!

The EuBioNet now counts 101 projects and initiatives promoting the bioeconomy!

The European Bioeconomy Network now counts 101 projects and initiatives promoting the bioeconomy!

  • What is the European Bioeconomy Network?

Promoted initially by the BIOVOICES project and currently animated by the Transition2BIO project, the European Bioeconomy Network (EuBioNet) is, since 2018, a proactive alliance of EU funded projects and initiatives dealing with Bioeconomy promotion, communication and support.

The main goal of the European Bioeconomy Network is to maximise the efforts, increasing the knowledge sharing, networking, mutual learning, coordination of joint activities and events.

This systemic approach consolidated the EuBioNet robust position in stimulating the debate and delivering contents to increase its effectiveness in contributing to the transition towards the circular bioeconomy in Europe.

  •  What is the mission of the European Bioeconomy Network?

    – facilitate networking among stakeholders
    – stimulate the debate, knowledge sharing and mutual learning to address bioeconomy related challenges and opportunity
    – increase the awareness of Sustainable Circular Bioeconomy in Europe
    – identify impact-oriented strategies to boost the sustainable circular bioeconomy in Europe
    – strength the role of the European Commission in supporting the sustainable circular bioeconomy uptake

  • Who are the European Bioeconomy Network partners?

101 partners and initiatives dealing with bioeconomy promotion and support already joined the network:

The European Bioeconomy Network partners benefit from the mutual promotion of outcomes, new partnerships, joint event planning and knowledge sharing.

More than 200 collaborations were facilitated by EuBioNet and Transition2Bio is continuously implementing activities stimulating the collaborations among EuBioNet partners.

  • What are the next steps?

On late spring the annual European Bioeconomy Network partner meeting will take place and the

thematic working group in Bioeconomy Education will organize a workshop in Sustainable Entrepreneurship Education.

  • How to be part of the European Bioeconomy Network?

Are you representing a project with strong focus of bioeconomy communication, education and stakeholder engagement? Contact the EuBioNet to join the Network! Together we can share experiences, knowledge and collaborate, to maximise the impact of our activities in the bioeconomy.

The membership is free of charge.

The partners are requested to sign a collaboration framework, declaring their commitment in collaborating proactively with the other partners.

press release

Please contact:
Susanna Albertini
EuBioNet contact point

Follow EuBioNet on social media channels:
LinkedIn group
Twitter page


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BRANCHES project campaign for the Best Practice Award in the Bioeconomy

BRANCHES project campaign for the Best Practice Award in the Bioeconomy

BRANCHES Project is launching a competition to highlight the best innovative practice in the circular bioeconomy sector and, since last December, has launched an invitation opened to all practitioners from the 5 project countries to participate to the initiative by submitting good practices proposals.

Participants are requested to propose their good practice and describe the main strengths through an easy-to-fill-in format. The received good practices will be circulated through several channels
including web pages, social media and traditional distribution through project partners.

The best good practice will be identified by an open public vote (accounting for 50% of the evaluation) and by the evaluation of a jury composed by experts from the BRANCHES Consortium.

The prize will cover travel and accommodation costs for the winner to participate to a meeting /
event and illustrate the innovative best practice in detail. The good practice will also receive prominence through all the channels activated by the project and good visibility will also be ensured by issuing a dedicated Practice Abstracts (PA) that will be brought to the attention of DG AGRI of the EU Commission, published on the BRANCHES website and mentioned in the project

The award criteria should include the following:

  • Replicability potential, feasibility of the solution in the assessed operational environment
  • Innovation, usefulness, applicability
  • Economic profitability
  • Environmental improvement reached through the innovation implementation
  • Social sustainability

Innovative practices will be considered eligible when:

  • The innovation is already in practice in real environment (not only at lab or pilot scale)
    corresponding to TRLs 8-9.
  • The applicants are owners or developers or users of the innovation, and have undersigned
    of a self-declaration of responsibility.
  • There is clear evidence that the practice can be adopted (high replicability potential). Very
    singular unique cases may fall out of the scope.
  • There is evidence of profitability, and whenever the practice has been subsidised, it must be
    evident the practice can be implementable profitably without subsidising.
  • All sections of the award template have been fulfilled and criteria have been addressed.
  • There is no evidence of a potential hacking of the voting, or machine voting. In such case the
    suspicious practice will be considered not eligible.
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EU Industry Days 2022: Pitching contest

EU Industry Days 2022: Pitching contest

Registration for the EU Industry Days Pitching contest is now open!

The European Commission is organising an EU Industry Days Pitching contest for all business ideas supporting the transition to a sustainable, digital and resilient economy.


The finals of the pitching contest will take place on 10 February 2022 in Brussels – four finalists will pitch their business ideas live and get expert feedback from business experts and investors, as well as the audience.

Finalists will get group and individual coaching sessions in advance of the event, travel and accommodation expenses to Brussels covered – and a chance of winning a prize.


If you would like to showcase your innovative idea, apply before 18 January 2022.

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Call for CBE JU Scientific Committee members open

Call for CBE JU Scientific Committee members open

Are you one of the 15 circular bio-based industries experts we are looking for? If you have the relevant research and professional experience, apply to become a CBE JU Scientific Committee member and advise on the partnership’s scientific priorities and activities.

As a Committee member, you will help highlight the scientific achievements of the programme, suggest corrective measures when necessary, and provide independent scientific advice on specific issues.

Express your interest by 23 January 2022 noon CET.

More info about how to apply and selection process are available at this link.

About CBE JU Scientific Committee
The Scientific Committee is an advisory body of the Circular Bio-Based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU). Its objective is to provide advice on the scientific priorities to be addressed in the CBE JU’s work programme in line with the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda and the Horizon Europe strategic planning. The Committee members will help highlight scientific achievements of the programme, suggest corrective measures for the programme implementation when necessary, and provide independent scientific advice on specific issues on the request of the CBE JU’s Governing Board.

The CBE JU Scientific Committee members will be appointed for three years, with the possibility to renew their term once for three more years.

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Three new publications on entrepreneurship education and women’s entrepreneurship

Three new publications on entrepreneurship education and women’s entrepreneurship

The Publications Office of the European Union has recently made available for free download three new publications on entrepreneurship education and women’s entrepreneurship.

Below you can find per each publication a short introduction and a direct link to download the PDF copy.

Peer-learning in entrepreneurship education and in women’s entrepreneurship – Executive summary

Authors:  Volkmann, Christine; Tømmerbakke, Jarle; Rancakova, Dagmar; Grünhagen, Marc; Melleri, Minna; Hostak, Juraj; Lilischkis, Stefan; Recheva, Tomislava


This Executive Summary is a final output of the project Peer-Learning Activities in Entrepreneurship Education and in Women’s Entrepreneurship, implemented 2018 to 2021. The project organised six highly interactive workshops with experts from all over Europe. Three workshops focused on EE, three on WE. Altogether, the project involved over 300 experts. The recommendations in this Summary are derived from the workshops as well as related online communities and surveys of participants. Literature reviews complemented personal experience with empirical insights. The report recommends the following key actions to foster EE and WE in Europe. Entrepreneurship education: Develop EE competence of leaders and teachers in education institutions. Encourage cooperation of EE stakeholders about policies and curricula. Communicate what EE is and what benefits it brings. Measure and compare EE practice and impact in pan-European research. Share EE knowledge and experience to enhance teaching and learning. Women’s entrepreneurship: Raise acknowledgement and awareness about the importance of WE. Improve access to finance for female entrepreneurs. Ensure life-long entrepreneurial learning especially for women. Build a pan-European umbrella organisation and network for WE. Collect and analyse data about women’s entrepreneurship. Moreover, mechanisms such as the European Semester, the Next Generation EU Recovery fund, and European funding instruments can support EE and WE take-up.

A guide for fostering women’s entrepreneurship

Authors: Rancakova, Dagmar; Hostak, Juraj; Lilischkis, Stefan


Europe needs to acknowledge the social and economic importance of women entrepreneurs. With the challenges of the digital and green transition as well as the COVID-19 pandemic’s implications for the labour market, women’s entrepreneurship (WE) could be reinforced as a viable career option – for women of all ages. This Guide is a final output of the project “Peer-Learning Activities in Entrepreneurship Education and in Women’s Entrepreneurship” (2018-2021). The target group of this Guide is decision makers in governments, educational institutions, civil society organisations, businesses, and their associations – on the local, regional, national and European level. The project led to recommendations with five themes that decision makers can target. These recommendations are interlinked and reinforce each other mutually. For example, promoting entrepreneurship as a career path requires role models, sufficient funding, and networks. A new women´s entrepreneurship funding platform requires a sound base in the education system to bring out competent, motivated, and ambitious women entrepreneurs.

A guide for fostering entrepreneurship education
Five key actions towards a digital, green and resilient Europe

Authors: Volkmann, Christine; Tømmerbakke, Jarle; Melleri, Minna; Grünhagen, Marc; Lilischkis, Stefan


Europe needs more people who tackle pressing societal challenges: above all the twin transition to a digital and green society as well as pandemic recovery. Entrepreneurship education (EE) can unleash the potential of Europeans to master climate change and digitisation and to build a more resilient society. In order to enhance European cooperation and strategy building in EE, the European Commission implemented the project “Peer-Learning Activities in Entrepreneurship Education and in Women’s Entrepreneurship” (2018–2021). This Guide is a final output of the project. The target group is decision makers in governments, schools and higher education, civil society, and business – on local, regional, national, and European level. The project identified five main areas where decision makers could become active: training educators, ensuring stakeholders’ cooperation, sharing knowledge, raising awareness of EE benefits as well as conducting research and analysis about EE. These areas are interlinked and mutually reinforce each other: Develop EE competence of leaders and teachers in education institutions: Increased uptake of EE depends on the degree to which entrepreneurship competences of teaching staff and leaders at schools and in higher education are developed through both initial and continuous teacher training. In addition, a pan-European peer-to-peer network of EE teachers could reinforce training. Encourage cooperation of EE stakeholders about policies and curricula: Scaling up EE requires collaboration between multiple stakeholders at local, national and European level. Governmental bodies, education institutions, businesses, and civil society actors could link up to develop strategies, policy agendas, and EE curricula. A strong European platform for EE would be helpful. Communicate what EE is and what benefits it brings: Show how EE builds the necessary competences for the future success of students at all ages. Education institutions, parents, government officials and the wider community need to better understand what EE is and what its benefits are: EE is about learning how to turn ideas into reality for the benefit of society. Measure and compare EE practice and impact in pan-European research: Collecting and analysing data about EE shall support evidence-based policy-making. It will allow EE to contribute to key policy agendas: the Green Deal, a digital Europe, the European Skills Agenda, and the social economy. Share EE knowledge and experience to enhance teaching and learning: EE stakeholders could increase their efforts to share insights on how to improve EE teaching and learning. They could build local communities of practice as well as national and international networks. They can draw from each other’s knowledge, methods and content, including innovative digital approaches such as artificial intelligence. Moreover, mechanisms like the European Semester, the Next Generation EU Recovery fund, and European funding instruments can support EE take-up.

The reports from the European project “Peer-learning Activities in Entrepreneurship Education and in Women’s Entrepreneurship” are also published and available at the following links:

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FoodSafety4EU pre-forum “Sustainable food: how to keep it safe?“

FoodSafety4EU pre-forum “Sustainable food: how to keep it safe?“

The first edition of the Pre-Forum is planned for the 15th December 2021 (10.00-12.00 CET, online) and the registration is open to all interested stakeholders.

FoodSafety4EU pre-forums are events organised with the purpose to ease the discussion and collaboration among researchers, consumers, policymakers, food business operators of the whole value chain, associations, food safety authorities and all other actors working in the food safety domain.

The topic of this edition is “Sustainable food: how to keep it safe?“ and it will be organised into three sessions.

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OECD conference “Technology in and for Society”

OECD conference “Technology in and for Society”

The OECD conference “Technology in and for Society” will take place as a virtual conference on 6-7 December 2021.

The multi-stakeholder meeting aims to explore values, design principles, and a possible practical agenda for leveraging good governance for critical socio-technical transformations. It seeks to develop a policy agenda to pair the transformative potential of emerging technology with the necessity of good governance: how can we innovate both more and well, i.e. within inclusive processes, with values at the centre, and with lasting positive impact.

Conference aims 
  1.  To explore how the design of policies related to upstream technology governance can help open pathways for needed sociotechnical change while building public trust in the STI system, and preventing or correcting potential negative effects
  2. To pool practical ideas, experiences and knowledge to anticipate longer-term practices, uses and impacts of emerging technologies and develop capacities to promote, steer and cope with sociotechnical change
  3. To explore what kinds of frameworks and multilateral approaches are needed for promoting values-based technology, responsible innovation, and inclusive transitions.

Register to join online and visit the website for more information and to view the detailed agenda.

DAY 1: Monday 6 December

11:30  – 11:50 | Welcome and scene-setting by Mathias Cormann, OECD Secretary General
11:50  – 13:30 | High-level roundtable: Rethinking technology for inclusive transitions
13:40 – 14:10  |  Keynote by Sheila Jasanoff, Harvard University
14:20 – 15:35  |  Panel 1: Building inclusivity upstream: engaging diverse actors in the development of emerging technology
15:45 – 16:20  |  Fireside conversation: Values-driven development of emerging technologies in an international context

DAY 2: Tuesday 7 December

11:45 – 11:55 |  Introduction to Day 2 and Panel 2 (parallel)
12:00 – 13:15 |  2a) Harnessing responsible neurotechnology for brain health
|  2b) Realising net carbon neutrality: the role of carbon management technologies
|  2c) Innovating global health: Collaborative action where markets fail
13:25 – 13:40 |  Panel 3. Setting goals and agendas through foresight and participatory processes
15:10 – 16:20 |  Panel 4. Tools of upstream technology governance: soft law, standards, and ethics-by-design
16:25 – 16:50 |  Concluding remarks and next steps

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