Author: Selenia Marinelli

EuBioNet and Transition2BIO videointerviews to the World Bioproduct Day Winners!

EuBioNet and Transition2BIO videointerviews to the World Bioproduct Day Winners!

In July 2022, the European Bioeconomy Network, Transition2Bio and the World Bioeconomy Forum started a collaboration in the context of the World Bioproduct Day.

The campaign engaged many stakeholders of the circular bioeconomy that shared their stories via social media by using the hashtag #bioproductday2022 and/or #bioproductday, or by submitting via email their bioproducts.

Transition2Bio and EuBioNet  selected the 5 most interesting submissions, following specific categories:

To give more visibility to their circular bioeconomy stories, the video interviews to the winners were curated by Transition2Bio and the EuBioNet and they will be shared in a joint social media campaign organised with the support of the World Bioeconomy Forum!

You can access all the videos at the following link.

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Glaukos project workshop “Unlock the potential of bio-based and biodegradable plastics: challenges to be addressed”

Glaukos project workshop “Unlock the potential of bio-based and biodegradable plastics: challenges to be addressed”

In the last years, the EC is funding several projects and initiatives to investigate under which conditions biodegradable and bio-based plastics can contribute to reduce pollution in our ecosystems.

These projects can also play a role in providing policy recommendations and supporting policy makers with data, research outcomes and the identification of gaps that should be addressed to actively support the EU’s plastics strategy.

Nevertheless, there is an urgent need to encourage a holistic, collaborative debate, shortening the gap between research projects and decision-makers.

To respond to these needs, a collaboration among  Glaukos projectBio-Plastics EuropeEuropean Bioplastics Research NetworkEuropean Bioeconomy Network led to the organisation of the workshop “Unlock the potential of bio-based and biodegradable plastics: challenges to be addressed”, that will take place online next 3rd November from 9.00 to 12.00 CET.

Join the debate! To participate to the workshop, please register here.
Agenda available at this link.


The objective of the workshop is to involve the most relevant projects related to bio-based plastics, to discuss the most urgent challenges to be addressed to unlock the potential of bio-based and biodegradable plastic, in light of providing policy recommendations to be shared with EC Policy Officers in the context of the incoming 7th EBRN Event (23th November 2022).

These events build on the following activities:

The discussion will be structured along the following topics:

  • Bio-based vs conventional plastics (performance, consumer behaviour, etc.)
  • End-of-Life options (biodegradability, ecotoxicity, recyclability, pollution, etc.)
  • Raising awareness, stakeholder engagement, collaboration and coordination of efforts
  • Support EU policies


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The first CBE JU call attracts 125 project proposals

The first CBE JU call attracts 125 project proposals

The CBE JU has received 125 project proposals by the 22 September deadline for the 2022 call. Applicants have requested over €600 million in CBE JU funding, against the indicative call budget of €120 million.

The CBE JU team will now check the admissibility and eligibility of all the proposals submitted. The evaluation of the proposals will start in October 2022 with the help of external experts, and the applicants will receive information about the outcome of the evaluations by the end of February 2023 (at the latest).

Once the grant agreement preparation with the proposals retained for funding is completed, CBE JU expects to sign the grant agreements by the end of May 2023.

More information here.

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Online workshop “Young people for Mediterranean cooperation”

Online workshop “Young people for Mediterranean cooperation”

The online workshop “Young people for Mediterranean cooperation” will take place on the 13th of October from 11.30 to 13.00 CEST in the framework of the European Week of Regions and Cities.

As 2022 marks the European Year of Youth, the workshop aims to showcase inspiring cooperation stories of young people from both sides of the Mediterranean – including representatives of ENI CBC Med projects – and celebrate their contribution to positive and constructive Euro-Mediterranean relations. To find out more information about the event, please visit the Programme website.

If you wish to attend the event, you can register at your earliest convenience at the following link: (Workshop code – 13WS22471). You will need to create an account and then add the event to your agenda but it only takes a few minutes.

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Eu Survey on “Food waste prevention along the food supply chain”

Eu Survey on “Food waste prevention along the food supply chain”

The European Commission launched a survey to collect data on food loss and waste prevention initiatives along the whole food supply chain.

This survey aims to collect relevant information on both ongoing and concluded food waste prevention initiatives in order to analyse their efficiency, effectiveness, and impacts. This information will allow us to identify those initiatives that delivered the best results.

The deadline to participate and provide inputs is 3 October 2022.

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Download the Final Results of the EU project on “Promoting Education, training and skills across the bioeconomy”

Download the Final Results of the EU project on “Promoting Education, training and skills across the bioeconomy”

On Thursday 15 September 2022 from 9.00 to 17:00 CET, Deloitte, empirica and Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini (FGB) organised a Conference, together with the European Commission’s Directorate General for Research & Innovation (DG RTD), as part of the project on “Promoting education, training and skills across the bioeconomy”.

During the conference the results of the project and the recommendations for the development of education at higher education, VET and entrepreneurship levels,  were presented and discussed in order to empower the future workforce with the skills required in an evolving, circular and sustainable bioeconomy.

The results are now publicly available and you can download all the material at the following links:

Policy brief

The bioeconomy, as a catalyst for systemic change, tackles the economic, social and environmental aspects of the European Green Deal, seeking new ways of producing and consuming resources while respecting our planet’s limits and moving away from a linear economy based on extensive use of fossil and mineral resources. As defined in the European Commission’s updated Bioeconomy Strategy of 2018, the bioeconomy covers “all sectors and systems that rely on biological resources (animals, plants, micro-organisms and derived biomass, including organic waste), their functions and principles. It includes and interlinks land and marine ecosystems and the services they provide; all primary production sectors that use and produce biological resources; and all economic and industrial sectors that use biological resources and processes to produce food, feed, bio-based products, energy and services.” The transition to a sustainable and circular bioeconomy will be achieved through the five goals of the EU Bioeconomy Strategy: Ensuring food and nutrition security; Managing natural resources sustainably; Reducing dependence on non-renewable, unsustainable resources; Limiting and adapting to climate change; Strengthening European competitiveness and create jobs. This transition presents opportunities for jobs and economic growth. In particular, the Bioeconomy Strategy forecasts that one million new jobs could be created by 2030, supported by the “strong and fast-growing start-up ecosystem in the biotechnology sector”.


Final report

This is the Final Report of the study on “Promoting education, training and skills across the bioeconomy” conducted by Deloitte, Empirica and Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini Srl SB (FGB), mandated by the European Commission’s DG Research & innovation (DG RTD). The study assesses the current and future (2030 and 2050) needs for professional profiles and skills, bringing together a quantitative forecast exercise and a qualitative ‘foresight’ activity, which incorporates expert insights on the future of the bioeconomy. This assessment is compared against the current education and training provision in the bioeconomy at three levels: higher education, vocational education and training, and entrepreneurship training. This comparison highlights key unmet training needs that need to be addressed to realise the opportunities that the bioeconomy can provide in the future. Recommendations are provided for each of the education levels to address these skills needs, including model curricula which draw on case studies of good practices. These recommendations cover both the content of model curricula, as well as approaches to developing and updating programmes to meet the changing needs of the bioeconomy.



Higher education

Europe needs more professionals with dedicated skills to drive the transition to a sustainable and circular bioeconomy, a core component of the Green Deal. A study was made to support the development of educational and training content, methods, tools and structures to achieve a mainstreaming of the bioeconomy in education and training. The following recommendations aim to promote upskilling and reskilling bioeconomy professionals to meet this challenge.




Vocational education and training

Europe needs more people with the skills needed to drive the transition to a sustainable and circular bioeconomy, a core component of the Green Deal. A study was undertaken to support the development of educational and training content, methods, tools and structures to achieve a mainstreaming of the bioeconomy in education and training. It includes recommendations to train people to work in the bioeconomy.



Entrepreneurship education

Europe needs more professionals with dedicated entrepreneurship skills to drive the transition to a sustainable and circular bioeconomy, a core component of the Green Deal. A study was made to support the development of educational and training content, methods, tools and structures to achieve a mainstreaming of the bioeconomy in education and training. It includes recommendations that aim to promote upskilling and reskilling bioeconomy professionals to meet this challenge.

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Transition2BIO 3rd Co-creation workshop ‘Future skills for Bioeconomy’ – Blue Bioeconomy

Transition2BIO 3rd Co-creation workshop ‘Future skills for Bioeconomy’ – Blue Bioeconomy

The University of Bologna, the EurOcean Foundation and the Horizon 2020 funded project Transition2BIO organise the co-creation workshop ‘Future skills for Bioeconomy’ – Blue Bioeconomy’, which aims to identify the future skills and related educational needs in the European bioeconomy. The event will take place next 27th of September 2022 at 2:00 pm CEST.

The Agenda in available at this link.

Please register online for the workshop at this link:
Participants will receive the link for the virtual meeting by email.
The deadline for the registration is 23rd September 2022.

The workshop will focus on the Blue Bioeconomy sector and is the third of five co-creation workshops ‘Future skills for Bioeconomy’ focusing on different bioeconomy sectors. These workshops will be organised by Transition2BIO and the University of Bologna, together with external institutions leading each sector.
Providing the needed skills and meeting the educational needs in the European bioeconomy are key challenges for a change in our economy. The European Commission stated in its Updated Bioeconomy Strategy that “The systemic and cross-cutting nature of new and emerging bioeconomy approaches and new value chains will need new education and skills.”

Among its objectives, Transition2BIO will facilitate the identification of the educational and training needs towards the creation of an innovation ecosystem for the bioeconomy. The results of the co-creation workshops will be summarised in a public report and will be used for the delivery of a policy brief aimed to inform policymakers and other stakeholders about the issues and possible solutions to meet the identified skills and educational needs.

‘Future skills for Bioeconomy’ activities will use a bottom-up approach to identify and define the skills for the development of the new workforce in the bioeconomy, involving all the key stakeholders.
The participants will have the opportunity to provide their opinions and points of view on this topic, contributing to the research of the University of Bologna within the H2020 project Transition 2BIO.
During the event, the main objectives and outputs of the project will be presented, as well as the results from previous projects and initiatives on bioeconomy education. Inputs from participants will be collected through an online survey and a moderated discussion using an online interactive platform.

For more information, please contact Marco Maria Grande –

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Mission “Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030”: an Atlantic-Arctic lighthouse

Mission “Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030”: an Atlantic-Arctic lighthouse

On 24 – 25 November 2022, the European Commission, with the support of Ireland, will organise an event Mission Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030: an Atlantic-Arctic Lighthouse.

This event, taking place at the National Maritime College of Ireland in Cork, aims to mobilise a wide range of stakeholders to join the Mission “Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030”, and particularly the Atlantic-Arctic lighthouse. The event will focus on the political commitments to implement the Mission and agree on concrete measures and actions in the Atlantic-Arctic basins to protect and restore marine and freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity, and boost coastal resilience.

Please note that due to the room capacity, a first come first serve principle will be applied. In the event that you are unable to attend this event in person, you will have the possibility to join virtually.

More information will be published in this page.

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Save the date! On 5 October in Brussels, EuBioNet is promoting the knowledge exchange among ongoing H2020 projects and new Horizon Europe projects supporting the bioeconomy!

Save the date! On 5 October in Brussels, EuBioNet is promoting the knowledge exchange among ongoing H2020 projects and new Horizon Europe projects supporting the bioeconomy!

Are you a EU funded project involved in bioeconomy communication, education and stakeholder engagement? Do you want to share your outcomes, or presenting your newly funded project during this workshop?

Next 5 October from 9.00 to 12.30 CET at the EC Building CDMA (Address: Rue du Champ de Mars 21, 1050 Ixelles / Elsene, Belgium), the European Bioeconomy Network, in collaboration with the European Commission and the projects Transition2Bio, BIOEASTsUP, BIObec and, is organizing a Mobilisation and Mutual learning workshop, as satellite event of the High Level Bioeconomy Conference, taking place on the 6 and 7 October 2022.

The workshop “Projects2Projects” will maximise the exploitation of lessons learnt and heritage of H2020 bioeconomy projects in communication, education and stakeholder engagement to effectively kick-off the newly funded Horizon Europe ones.

The workshop is free of charge – Registration is mandatory.

Register at this link.

Updated agenda at this link.

Expected outcomes

Improve the quality and impact of communication and stakeholders engagement activities for the next months, facilitating collaboration among ongoing, concluded  and recently funded projects


Mobilisation and Mutual Learning workshop:

  • brief presentations of success stories from different projects, with a special focus on exploitable assets
  • walking brainstorm thematic sessions

The session will be organized in four thematic working groups around specific topics:

  • bioeconomy communication and education/future skills for the bioeconomy
  • enabling the bioeconomy ecosystem at European, National and Regional level (governance perspective)
  • enabling the bioeconomy ecosystem at European, National and Regional level (boost circular economy and bioeconomy sectors perspective)
  • standardisation, certification, labelling and monitoring

Target participants

  • Partners of the European Bioeconomy Network
  • Other EU funded projects

Write to Susanna Albertini – for further information.

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Win 5 vouchers to participate for free to the World Bioeconomy Forum 2022!

Win 5 vouchers to participate for free to the World Bioeconomy Forum 2022!

After the fruitful collaboration among the European Bioeconomy Network, Transition2Bio and the World Bioeconomy Forum in the context of the World Bioproduct Day, the EuBioNet is awarding 5 vouchers to participate for free to the World Bioeconomy Forum annual conference. The event will take place online next 7–8 September 2022 and will be coordinated live from a studio located in Ruka, Finland.

The World BioEconomy Forum is a global platform for circular bioeconomy stakeholders to share ideas and promote bio-based solutions.

You can find all the details about the program of the 2022 conference at this link.

To participate, fill in this form – among the applicants, EuBioNet will extract 5 participants that will get a free voucher for the event.

The winners will be contacted by Monday 5 September.



In July 2022 the World Bioproduct Day campaign engaged many stakeholders of the circular bioeconomy that shared their stories via social media by using the hashtag #bioproductday2022 and/or #bioproductday, or by submitting via email their bioproducts.

Transition2Bio and EuBioNet  selected the 5 most interesting submissions, following specific categories:

The winners will be interviewed by Transition2Bio and the EuBioNet and they will be part of a social media campaign in the following months, to give more visibility to their circular bioeconomy stories!


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