Author: Selenia Marinelli

The survey on “future skills in higher education for the bioeconomy in Europe” is now open

The survey on “future skills in higher education for the bioeconomy in Europe” is now open

On behalf of the European Commission, empirica is carrying out a survey on future skills in higher education for the bioeconomy in Europe. All  the experts in this field or in charge of providing or coordinating bioeconomy-related education at a higher education institution are invited to participate and fill in the questionnaire at the following link.

The results will help the European Commission develop policies to improve bioeconomy-related higher education.

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ConCirMy Survey on “Sustainability-oriented product decisions and sustainability software”

ConCirMy Survey on “Sustainability-oriented product decisions and sustainability software”

The ConCirMy (Configurator for the Circular econoMy) research project opened a survey on “Sustainability-oriented product decisions and sustainability software”. The contributions will support the research on the promotion of environmentally friendly products and the development of sustainability software.

You can participate to the survey via this link.

ConCirMy is particularly focused on promoting circular economy products (e.g. products made of recycled or recyclable materials). In addition, it aims to promote products of the bioeconomy (bio-based products), which we understand to be products which are, wholly or in part, made using resources of biological origin and can substitute products traditionally made with fossil resources.

ConCirMy is funded by the ReziProK (‘Resource-efficient Circular Economy – Innovative Product Cycles’) measure of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

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Results of the Workshop “Paving the way towards Sustainable Entrepreneurship Education”

Results of the Workshop “Paving the way towards Sustainable Entrepreneurship Education”

Last March 15th 2022 the EuBioNet organized the workshop “Paving the way towards Sustainable Entrepreneurship Education“, in collaboration with Transition2Bio, the European Community of Practice for Bioeconomy Education, BIOSKILLS, BIOBec and the European Bioeconomy University (EBU).

This workshop involved projects and initiatives interested in the intersection of Entrepreneurship Education (EE) and Sustainable Education (SE), with a special focus on circular and sustainable bioeconomy. The aim was to identify how the cross-fertilisation of EE and SE can help design educational curricula and extra-curricular activities for sustainability-minded entrepreneurs of tomorrow.

During the workshop several projects and initiatives were involved in the presentation of inspirational case studies in order to share good practices and increase knowledge about the topic in a mutual learning activity. An interactive discussion enabled to collect suggestions and inputs in order to generate ideas towards Sustainable Entrepreneurship Education.

The Agenda is available at this link.

The results of the workshop are available for consultation and you can read the report here.
Find at this link the PDF collecting all the contributions from the speakers and the participants.
You can also download the PDF of the contributions collected in the MIRO board at this link.
The recordings of the entire workshop are available here.

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Transition2Bio capacity building activity “How to raise awareness and communicate the Bioeconomy”

Transition2Bio capacity building activity “How to raise awareness and communicate the Bioeconomy”

Transition2Bio is organizing a capacity building on “How to raise awareness and communicate the Bioeconomy”, which will take place next 6-7 April from 09:30 to 12:30 am.

The capacity building is organized in collaboration with the EuBioNet and the support of BIOEAST Initiative and GoDanuBio Project with the aim to support participants with contents, methodologies, tools, replicable good practices and formats in the light of strengthening their effectiveness in the implementation of awareness raising, communication and education activities.

Format and structure
The package is structured in 5 modules with a number of preparatory activities (e.g. Info-trainings and parallel testing of the capacity building modules).

During the first day the involved EU Member States and Regions will be offered an overview of “How to raise awareness and communicate the bioeconomy”, while the second day is devoted to the exchange of experiences and mutual learning among the participants through a real-time interactive discussion.

More more information and the full agenda here.
You can register to the capacity building at this link.

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Transition2Bio co-creation workshop “Future skills for Bioeconomy”

Transition2Bio co-creation workshop “Future skills for Bioeconomy”

Transition2Bio is organizing the first co-creation workshop “Future skills for Bioeconomy” – Agriculture, Food and Feed which will take place online on the 6th of April 2022 at 3:00 pm CET, via the Microsoft Teams platform.

The workshop aims to identify the future skills and related educational needs in the European bioeconomy, particularly in Agriculture, Food and Feed.
“Future skills for Bioeconomy” activities will use a bottom-up approach to identify and define the skills for the development of the new workforce in the bioeconomy, involving all the key stakeholders.

The participants will have the opportunity to provide their opinions and points of view on this topic, contributing to the research of the University of Bologna within the H2020 project Transition 2BIO.
This event is the first of five Transition2BIO co-creation workshops “Future skills for Bioeconomy”. Each of them will focus on different bioeconomy sectors, involving the key stakeholders to find out the future skills and educational needs in the European bioeconomy.

Here you can find the agenda.

Target audience
The organisers encourage the participation of EU funded projects in bioeconomy education, EU and local institutions, universities, policymakers, private companies, associations, teachers, students, and whoever may be interested in or have something to say about the future skills and related educational needs to build the future workforce of the European bioeconomy.
The workshop will be conducted in English.

Please register online for the workshop at this link.
Participants will receive the link for the virtual meeting by email.
The deadline for the registration is 3 April 2022.


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Registration open for the next World BioEconomy Roundtable

Registration open for the next World BioEconomy Roundtable

The next World BioEconomy Roundtable will take place on 7 April, 2022 starting at 15:00 CET. This roundtable focuses on the first session, “The Bioeconomy: People, Planet, Policies” where a follow-up and discussions on the developments of recent national and regional Biostrategies and Bioinitiatives will be the center of this roundtable.

Insightful dialogue to be expected from our prestigious speakers, including:

  • Ignasi Galindo, Responsible for External Relations, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food, Government of Catalonia
  • Marisa Silva, Advisor to the Minister of Environment and Climate Action, Portugal
  • Camille Bemerguy, Director of Climate Change, Environmental Services and Bioeconomy at the Pará Environment and Sustainability Secretariat, Brazil
  • Julius Ecuru, Programme Manager at BioInnovate Africa
  • Dr. Jorge Cano, Coordinator of the implementation of the Mission de Sabios’ Recommendations at the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of Colombia

The Roundtable will be moderated by Dr. Christian Patermann and hosted by Mark Rushton and Jukka Kantola.

You can register to the roundtable at this link.

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Participate to the BIObec SURVEY – European and regional analysis of the needs, opportunities and expectations of BBEC!

Participate to the BIObec SURVEY – European and regional analysis of the needs, opportunities and expectations of BBEC!

In the context of BIObec project, a survey is launched in order to understand which are the needs, opportunities and expectations that you, as stakeholders, have regarding what Bio-Based Education Centres (BBEC) should be, to meet industry needs and boost the contribution of the bioeconomy to societal challenges.

BIObec aims to build bridges between the bio-based industry and the education system by interlinking universities, innovation labs, and R&D centres with industrial actors and regions. In order to achieve this, the project proposes a holistic framework that merges the traditional perspective of an educational centre with the idea of a knowledge hub.

Participation to the survey will provide a complete picture of the situation in the sector.

It won’t take you more than 10 minutes!

Participate at this link.

Workshop “Paving the way towards Sustainable Entrepreneurship Education”

Workshop “Paving the way towards Sustainable Entrepreneurship Education”


The European Bioeconomy Network, Transition2Bio, the European Community of Practice for Bioeconomy Education, BIOSKILLS, BIOBec and the European Bioeconomy University (EBU), will organize the workshop “Paving the way towards Sustainable Entrepreneurship Education”.

This workshop will involve projects and initiatives interested in the intersection of Entrepreneurship Education (EE) and Sustainable Education (SE), with a special focus on circular and sustainable bioeconomy. The aim is to identify how the cross-fertilisation of EE and SE can help design educational curricula and extra-curricular activities for sustainability-minded entrepreneurs of tomorrow.

During the workshop several projects and initiatives will be involved in the presentation of inspirational case studies in order to share good practices and increase knowledge about the topic in a mutual learning activity. Participants will be engaged in an interactive discussion to collect suggestions and inputs in order to generate ideas towards Sustainable Entrepreneurship Education.

The Agenda is available at this link.

Please register online to the workshop at this link.
There is no registration fee. Participants will receive the link for the virtual meeting by email.
The deadline for the registration is 13 March 2022.

Expected outcomes
Facilitate Mutual Learning and Knowledge Sharing among the 2 domains (EE and SE), with a special focus on circular bioeconomy

  • Identify the skills and competences needed by Sustainable Entrepreneurs
  • How this affects the existing educational communities
  • Provide recommendations for topics, issues and challenges that need to be addressed in future research

Target audience
The organizers encourage the participation of EU funded projects in education, EU policy officers, Ministries of education, Ministries of labour, Ministries of green transition, Educational providers, Industrial clusters, Incubators and accelerators.

Workshop Organising Committee
Susanna Albertini, EuBioNet, Transition2Bio, BIObec
George Sakellaris, European Community of Practice for Bioeconomy Education, BIOEAST
Stefan Lilischkis, BIOSKILLS Tender
Han van Osch, European Community of Practice for Bioeconomy Education
Davide Viaggi, BIObec

 For more information, please contact
Susanna Albertini


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ECBF raised around €300 million to finance growth companies in the bioeconomy and biobased circular economy

ECBF raised around €300 million to finance growth companies in the bioeconomy and biobased circular economy

Targeted initially at €250 million euros, the European Circular Bioeconomy Fund (ECBF) has achieved an oversubscription of about €300 million to finance growth companies in the bioeconomy and biobased circular economy that commits with Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) integration.

A diversified base of 25 investors from 8 different countries are confident in the opportunities offered by scaling up bio-based companies.

According to the experts of the impact fund European Circular Bioeconomy Fund (ECBF), after digitalization, the next global wave of transformation is rolling in – the Bio Revolution. This means a change from a linear, fossil-based economy to a sustainable, bio-based economy within which the European bioeconomy will play a decisive role. While visionary founders often lack the necessary growth capital to scale their solutions internationally, the ECBF closes this financing gap in cooperation with private and public investors.

Further details are available in the press release you can read at this link.

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The role of Bioeconomy in the Italian initiative “RiGenerazione Scuola”. Round Table and Exhibition

The role of Bioeconomy in the Italian initiative “RiGenerazione Scuola”. Round Table and Exhibition

The role of Bioeconomy in the Italian initiative “RiGenerazione Scuola” – Involving and educating the new generations

The Round Table about the role of Bioeconomy in the context of the Green Transition will be held on the 15th of February, from 11:30 to 13:00.  The event is organized by Sen. Floridia, Under Secretary of Education with delegation to Ecological Transition in Schools, in collaboration with the European funded project Transition2Bio.

The main focus will be on the importance of involving and educating the new generations within this transition process, in light of promoting a systemic change towards a more sustainable lifestyle.
The live streaming of the event will be available in Italian from the Chamber of Deputies.

An English version of the event will be available in the @biovoices social media channels after the live event.

The Round Table involves:

  • Francesco D’Uva – Commissioner at the Italian Chamber of Deputies
  • Barbara Floridia – Under Secretary of Education with delegation to Ecological Transition in Schools
  • Roman Brenne – Policy Officer, DG RTD, European Commission, Bioeconomy and Food safety Unit (remote connection)
  • Fabio Fava – University of Bologna and “National Coordination Group for Bioeconomy”, CNBBSV, Presidency of the Italian Council of Ministers
  • Chiara Pocaterra – APRE, Project Coordinator of BIOVOICES and Transition2Bio
  • Susanna Albertini – FVA, European Bioeconomy Network, BIObec, LIFT
  • Simona Di Matteo – Headmaster of Istituto Comprensivo Guicciardini, Rome. Bioeconomy at school pilot (primary school)
  • Nicola Tasco – President of Lazio Innova, Startupper School Academy (secondary school)

After the Round Table, the BioArt Gallery Exhibition will be open to the public until the 17th of February, raising awareness on the Circular Bioeconomy through pictures, biobased products and practical examples in different everyday life application fields.

Both the Round Table and the BioArt Exhibition will be held at the Italian Chamber of Deputies (Camera dei Deputati), Complesso di Vicolo Valdina, Sala del Cenacolo, Piazza in Campo Marzio 42, Rome.

The Round Table is open to the public and can accomodate max. 15 people (due to Covid-19 restrictions): to proceed with registration, please send an email to

BioArt Gallery Exhibition (open to public) opening hours:

  • 15th of February from 14.00 to 19.00
  • 16th of February from 11.00 to 19.00
  • 17th of February from 11.00 to 15.00

Access to the Sala del Cenacolo is allowed only prior exhibition of “Green Pass rafforzato”. It is mandatory to wear the protective mask (FFP2).

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